Fwd: Ratnadhyay
Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com > Date: 28 June 2016 at 9:26:03 AM GMT-4 To: Anup Pardeshi < pardeshi.anup@gmail.com > Subject: Fwd: Ratnadhyay Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com > Date: 15 June 2016 at 9:55:23 PM GMT-4 To: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com > Subject: Re: Ratnadhyay East matrix of planets is Jupiter -Mars-Sun;in which Mars is in own house Aries ;who rules under the earth;so Red coral is placed in the east zone;to enhance the aura of east matrix of deities. The deity Aryama is the power source of east zone and can be equated to Mars ,hence red coral simulates the east zone. The deity Indra -King of gods is placed in the east zone ;so the commander chief Mars's stone is needed as the protective shield for this zone. East contains the divine form of Fire viz Jyot-f