
Showing posts from August, 2017


01/09/17, 11:28:30 AM: Rajnita 9 March: Definitely needs a Vaastu corrections Sent from my iPhone

Vaastu Aspirations

31/08/17, 10:03:14 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: Reversal is the rule of nature.Once shining in the sky goes down with the cycle of the time .Our ancient 18 sages by this observation of the nature invented the other rules of the nature to save the human beings .Any form with proper streamlined shape survives in the water and can travel for a long time with a uniform speed .So designing the form of house that can travel in the ocean of cosmic energy with least friction was challenge and that they solved by inventing the science of Vaastu.Eventology begins with the birth and ends with the death on the apparent visual platform.But in this range between birth and death lies the life ,which is protected by the form of the house . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

SahasraMahavaastu: Reversal is the rule of nature.Once shining in the sky goes down with the cycle of the time .Our ancient 18 sages by this observation of the nature invented the other rules of the nature to save the human beings .Any form with proper streamlined shape survives in the water and can travel for a long time with a uniform speed .So designing the form of house that can travel in the ocean of cosmic energy with least friction was challenge and that they solved by inventing the science of Vaastu.Eventology begins with the birth and ends with the death on the apparent visual platform.But in this range between birth and death lies the life ,which is protected by the form of the house . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe #9822011050


Moscow Course

SahasraMahavaastu: The present age is not in the control of standard seven planets but are more controlled by Rahu -Harshal-Neptune .These planets are related to the loud and miraculous expressions and vibrations.At present we stay in the age of polluted wind orbit where it is distracted not only by industrial pollution but there lies enormous noise pollution.Wind being connected to intelligence (buddhi) in astrology,in present time even so called all popular saints are also behind popularity -aggressive marketing-and media .These are considered as the sins in the real spiritual world.Puritans like Yogi Aurobindo -J Krishnamurthy have always criticised such things .This corruption of thought is reflected in every field of life,so we see ; use of flashy blood red colours in all art forms too .These are representative of violence-disparity-loneliness -conflict-suppression-rejection-division and distortion .Classical Traditional Vaastushastra founded for 18 ancient sages can be a powerful solution on all these problems. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

30/08/17, 11:06:18 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: The present age is not in the control of standard seven planets but are more controlled by Rahu -Harshal-Neptune .These planets are related to the loud and miraculous expressions and vibrations.At present we stay in the age of polluted wind orbit where it is distracted not only by industrial pollution but there lies enormous noise pollution.Wind being connected to intelligence (buddhi) in astrology,in present time even so called all popular saints are also behind popularity -aggressive marketing-and media .These are considered as the sins in the real spiritual world.Puritans like Yogi Aurobindo -J Krishnamurthy have always criticised such things .This corruption of thought is reflected in every field of life,so we see ; use of flashy blood red colours in all art forms too .These are representative of violence-disparity-loneliness -conflict-suppression-rejection-division and distortion .Classical Traditional Vaastushastr

Vaastu Aspirations

30/08/17, 9:52:54 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: Such stone vas add architectural beauty to the spaces .These articles represent a gross earth element,so can be used wisely to critical nodes of Vaastu Purusha Mandala ;so that this strong earth absorbs the negative energy and reroute the forward streaming of energy.If river pebbles are placed in such stone containers then that adds divine earth element to these important nodes ,where stress concentration of negative energy happens.Such stable -strong-heavy -gross expression of earth can absorb the entire negativity of sink zones.As per the force and intensity of negative stresses ,size of the container can be adjusted. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

SahasraMahavaastu: Such stone vas add architectural beauty to the spaces .These articles represent a gross earth element,so can be used wisely to critical nodes of Vaastu Purusha Mandala ;so that this strong earth absorbs the negative energy and reroute the forward streaming of energy.If river pebbles are placed in such stone containers then that adds divine earth element to these important nodes ,where stress concentration of negative energy happens.Such stable -strong-heavy -gross expression of earth can absorb the entire negativity of sink zones.As per the force and intensity of negative stresses ,size of the container can be adjusted. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

SahasraMahavaastu: The unification of elements in a cyclic pattern leads to prosperity.But this cyclic movement should happen in a clockwise sequence then the emergence of prosperity is possible.And this is the secret of astrology and science of Vaastu.2-7-12 represents the own signs and exalted signs of Venus ,which is the soul of luxury-prosperity-pleasure.Where cyclically 2 to the south,7 to the west and 12 to the north should happen then the sequence of elements and directions leads to the prosperity-luxury-pleasure.2/6/10 signs signify the earth element,3/7/11 signs represents the wind element and 4/8/12 signs represents the water element and they form the cosmic relation with the south-west-north directions respectively.Whenever in nature one gets this sequence of elements-directions -signs ;there happens the emergence of the prosperity-luxury-pleasure.It can be checked in cases of Dubai-Muskat-Cape town-San Francisco . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 .

SahasraMahavaastu: The unification of elements in a cyclic pattern leads to prosperity.But this cyclic movement should happen in a clockwise sequence then the emergence of prosperity is possible.And this is the secret of astrology and science of Vaastu.2-7-12 represents the own signs and exalted signs of Venus ,which is the soul of luxury-prosperity-pleasure.Where cyclically 2 to the south,7 to the west and 12 to the north should happen then the sequence of elements and directions leads to the prosperity-luxury-pleasure.2/6/10 signs signify the earth element,3/7/11 signs represents the wind element and 4/8/12 signs represents the water element and they form the cosmic relation with the south-west-north directions respectively.Whenever in nature one gets this sequence of elements-directions -signs ;there happens the emergence of the prosperity-luxury-pleasure.It can be checked in cases of Dubai-Muskat-Cape town-San Francisco . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 .


SahasraMahavaastu: A simple sepal of any flower also shows the symmetry in the form ,means discipline in the form ie organisation in the system .So that the future growth in it attains the beauty ie flower.The soul purpose of the flower is connected to the creation -the creation of fruit and seeds . Disciplined form contains the order of deities ,so the shower of fragrance-grace-bliss is obvious. Everything that is living ,first cultivate a symmetrical form ,which can be said as the Satyam .Where there is disciplined form there automatically happens the order of nature ie matrix of deities ;which can be said as the Shivam.Where there happens the unification of Satyam and Shivam ;there naturally descends the beauty ie Sundaram.This can be explained as "first the rhythm then the synchronicity and frequency is attained automatically .The rhythm happens if the form is sacred-symmetric-geometric.So in short the cultivation of a sacred symmetric form is the base of whole existence;and that is the underlying principle of Vaastushastra too. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Secrets

28/08/17, 11:53:09 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: A simple sepal of any flower also shows the symmetry in the form ,means discipline in the form ie organisation in the system .So that the future growth in it attains the beauty ie flower.The soul purpose of the flower is connected to the creation -the creation of fruit and seeds . Disciplined form contains the order of deities ,so the shower of fragrance-grace-bliss is obvious. Everything that is living ,first cultivate a symmetrical form ,which can be said as the Satyam .Where there is disciplined form there automatically happens the order of nature ie matrix of deities ;which can be said as the Shivam.Where there happens the unification of Satyam and Shivam ;there naturally descends the beauty ie Sundaram.This can be explained as "first the rhythm then the synchronicity and frequency is attained automatically .The rhythm happens if the form is sacred-symmetric-geometric.So in short the cultivation of a sacred

SahasraMahavaastu: Any rock or stone represents gross earth element .These stones have irregular asymmetric shapes along with many corners-edges-cracks through which poison arrows move out of the body of that earth element,and oozes out like puss from the septic wound.It's relation with the surrounding has no sacred geometry and uniformity .It's removal from the parent body is by force and thrust ,that disturbs it's compound symmetry .In comparison to this the river pebbles have a complete different story that makes them divine-symmetrical-positive earth.Due to continuous streaming of water it gain a circular shape ,which has no cracks-crevices-corners.It's shape being circular it has connectivity to wind element.Due to continuous friction of water it gains the connectivity to fire element .Due to shape-friction-streaming it has virtues of three elements along with its base qualities of earthiness.Hence pebbles are considered as divine earth. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

SahasraMahavaastu: Any rock or stone represents gross earth element .These stones have irregular asymmetric shapes along with many corners-edges-cracks through which poison arrows move out of the body of that earth element,and oozes out like puss from the septic wound.It's relation with the surrounding has no sacred geometry and uniformity .It's removal from the parent body is by force and thrust ,that disturbs it's compound symmetry .In comparison to this the river pebbles have a complete different story that makes them divine-symmetrical-positive earth.Due to continuous streaming of water it gain a circular shape ,which has no cracks-crevices-corners.It's shape being circular it has connectivity to wind element.Due to continuous friction of water it gains the connectivity to fire element .Due to shape-friction-streaming it has virtues of three elements along with its base qualities of earthiness.Hence pebbles are considered as divine earth. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 98

SahasraMahavaastu: Every material in its pure state has its own virtue and quality that adds its purifying effect to the surrounding.Wood has its organic virtue that absorb the negativity ;that's why it is suggested to construct the houses in wood .But in modern days it's not possible ,in such cases it can be used wisely in certain zones to improve the aspiration of that zone.Wood enhances the fire,so if used in East and Southeast it enhance the positivity of that zone.Lustrous wooden articles add richness in the interiors and connects the mind to the purity of nature.Hence it is advised to use good quality wood for main door ,mandir -temple in the house and umbara (dehlij) . If east is closed then it is used for paneling of the east wall . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

SahasraMahavaastu: Every material in its pure state has its own virtue and quality that adds its purifying effect to the surrounding.Wood has its organic virtue that absorb the negativity ;that's why it is suggested to construct the houses in wood .But in modern days it's not possible ,in such cases it can be used wisely in certain zones to improve the aspiration of that zone.Wood enhances the fire,so if used in East and Southeast it enhance the positivity of that zone.Lustrous wooden articles add richness in the interiors and connects the mind to the purity of nature.Hence it is advised to use good quality wood for main door ,mandir -temple in the house and umbara (dehlij) . If east is closed then it is used for paneling of the east wall . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

Moscow Vaastu Courses5/6/7/8 October and 10/11/12 October 2017

DONOTMISS -------------------------------------------- Esoteric Vaastu Course on 5-6 October Moscow Esoteric Vaastu: First Day 1) Elements and its reflection in and around the house. 2) Forms and Elements relationship. 3) Virtues and qualities of Elements . 4) Breath analysis and eventology 5) Symbols -Elements-Events 6)Dynamics of Vaastu and travel of Elements Second Day 7) Forward and Backward motion of Time 8) Rule of one-two-three 9) cycles of Time and locus of symbols. 10) Interrelationships of Elements. 11) Chitrakarm and events 12) Casestudies Contact Julia +7 968 730-13-07 Saranagatidas +7 927 725-41-53 Dr NHS +91 9822011050 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONOTMISS Topics for Business Vaastu course.7/8 October 2017 Moscow Day - 1 1) Concept of Business vaastu . 2)Spaces: Wombs of Creation . 3) Environmental Aspect. 4) Earth Elemental Aspect. 5) Energy Elemental Aspect. 6)Success , fai

SahasraMahavaastu: Such a beautiful expression of stable strong earth element not only represents the absorption of all negative energy but it's beauty adds the aspiration of prosperity to the surrounding.A formation of small tiny pebbles to make the container adds the vibrations of divine earth element as pebbles represent the connectivity to all five great elements;hence they contain divinity.Pebbles from Gandaki And Narmada river are considered as the connectivity to lord Vishnu and lord Shiva depicting divinity in the river pebbles .Thats why in the Vaastu Nabhi Ritual pebbles are used in the Nabhi zone in a chakrakar form.Such divine form has power to connect the future to the fortune ,if placed in the proper sink zone. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

27/08/17, 9:13:44 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: Such a beautiful expression of stable strong earth element not only represents the absorption of all negative energy but it's beauty adds the aspiration of prosperity to the surrounding.A formation of small tiny pebbles to make the container adds the vibrations of divine earth element as pebbles represent the connectivity to all five great elements;hence they contain divinity.Pebbles from Gandaki And Narmada river are considered as the connectivity to lord Vishnu and lord Shiva depicting divinity in the river pebbles .Thats why in the Vaastu Nabhi Ritual pebbles are used in the Nabhi zone in a chakrakar form.Such divine form has power to connect the future to the fortune ,if placed in the proper sink zone. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

Super intelligent Child World Map Sent from my iPhone

Super intelligent Child World Map


Esoteric Vaastu

27/08/17, 8:32:11 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: Esoteric Vaastu:Form to future and future to fortune is the travel of Vaastushastra.Reading the form and predicting the future is the art and science of esoteric Vaastushastra.Form is connected to the planets if it contains colours.Form is connected to the elements as it's the geometric formation.Form contains the bliss of the divine deity if it has sacred geometry and erratic form shows connectivity to the negative spirits.If form has sacred symmetrical geometry then it emanate the positive energy.If form has pointers -angles-orientation then it shows its relationship to the direction.For alert studious mind whole world is full of information that can be transformed in to knowledge;which is the principle of esoteric Vaastushastra.Creation of a form that creates the auspicious sequence of Planets-Elements-Deities-Directions-Energy is the purpose of esoteric Vaastushastra. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

SahasraMahavaastu:Compassion is the base of consciousness which is constituted by four pillars of consciousness.In turn these four pillars are flags of four elements.If these four flags creat a sacred geometry by their interrelation in the ether ,then there lies the possibility of creation of the sacred divine surrounding;which is the base of Vaastushastra.This sacred geometry in the consciousness breeds the state of compassion,hence one understands that the purpose of Vaastushastra is to creat and support the consciousness that dwells in the compassion leading to the "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam .".Due this ascension through the form of the house that leads to this passive revolution of mankind ,eighteen Maharishis have worked and invented this Mahashastra of Vaastu. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


SahasraMahavaastu:Compassion is the base of consciousness which is constituted by four pillars of consciousness.In turn these four pillars are flags of four elements.If these four flags creat a sacred geometry by their interrelation in the ether ,then there lies the possibility of creation of the sacred divine surrounding;which is the base of Vaastushastra.This sacred geometry in the consciousness breeds the state of compassion,hence one understands that the purpose of Vaastushastra is to creat and support the consciousness that dwells in the compassion leading to the "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam .".Due this ascension through the form of the house that leads to this passive revolution of mankind ,eighteen Maharishis have worked and invented this Mahashastra of Vaastu. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


SahasraMahavaastu: Esoteric Vaastu Aspect:All symbols at important prominent places may tell the story of that place;is the secret of the subject of esoteric Vaastu.Here it indicates three loops nicely entangled in a sacred geometry,depicting three brothers staying and working together in harmony.Three small circles on each loop indecates the connectivity of next generation with these loops.Colour of one loop and colour of small circles are alternately connected in every loop showing partnership of uncles and nephews and not with sons and each father.This connection of loops is by central circle ,which is mother,who connects them all.This union will continue till she exists as these three loops creat a triangle by three angles if connected by three lines on the outer side,which represents the possibility of the event in future.One dark loop out of the three is indicative of the future separation and will happen by the thrust due to its fire elemental shape ie triangle.In house it can be read by hyper excitation of west streams. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Esoteric Vaastu

27/08/17, 6:56:25 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu: Esoteric Vaastu Aspect:All symbols at important prominent places may tell the story of that place;is the secret of the subject of esoteric Vaastu.Here it indicates three loops nicely entangled in a sacred geometry,depicting three brothers staying and working together in harmony.Three small circles on each loop indecates the connectivity of next generation with these loops.Colour of one loop and colour of small circles are alternately connected in every loop showing partnership of uncles and nephews and not with sons and each father.This connection of loops is by central circle ,which is mother,who connects them all.This union will continue till she exists as these three loops creat a triangle by three angles if connected by three lines on the outer side,which represents the possibility of the event in future.One dark loop out of the three is indicative of the future separation and will happen by the thrust due to its fir


SahasraMahavaastu:श्वास-प्राण-स्वर-सिध्दी अशी चतु:सूत्री असून सभोवताल जेव्हा बिघडते तेव्हा श्वासाची लय बिघडते.त्यामुळे जीवनात गतीचे रूपांतर विगतीमध्ये होते.या विगतीमुळे घटनाक्रमाची जीवनात सुसंगती रहात नाही-यालाच विपदा-विकार-विनाश-विलाप म्हणतात . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone

SahasraMahavaastu #. #Vaastu-Ganeshvidya:# Mandalacar streaming of three energies creat the form of Ganesh namely Satva-Rajas-Tamas .Whenever any energy starts streaming in a mandalacar way ,it looses its negativity, even Tamas starts working in a positive mode and removes all obstacles -Vighna from the way;so he is Vighnharta.When Rajas starts streaming in a madalacar it enters in a celebration mode,so Ganesha is Sachhidananda .When the Satav starts streaming in a helical mandalacar way one becomes a Varad-Murti ;which is Ganesha.Mandalacar streaming is the base-purpose-art of Vaastushastra;so Vaastu is "Saisha Ganeshvidya".Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


#Three Happy Angels#


#SahasraMahavaastu#Grand Vaastu Visharad Course In Moscow # All Students happy to learn Oriental Thought #of 18 Maharishis #Tool for Peace-Prosperity-Progress #Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Ganesh

25/08/17, 12:52:53 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: Vaastu-Ganeshvidya: Mandalacar streaming of three energies creat the form of Ganesh namely Satva-Rajas-Tamas .Whenever any energy starts streaming in a mandalacar way ,it looses its negativity, even Tamas starts working in a positive mode and removes all obstacles -Vighna from the way;so he is Vighnharta.When Rajas starts streaming in a madalacar it enters in a celebration mode,so Ganesha is Sachhidananda .When the Satav starts streaming in a helical mandalacar way one becomes a Varad-Murti ;which is Ganesha.Mandalacar streaming is the base-purpose-art of Vaastushastra;so Vaastu is "Saisha Ganeshvidya".

SahasraMahavaastu:Heavy towering stone pillars to source directions obstruct the positive energy .It creat the vortex in the streaming leading to multiple voids in the zone.Such voids perish the aura of deities leading to loss of Aspirations of that zone.But such pillars is the right treatment to reduce the flux of sink direction leading to the obstruction to the progress of these sinking streams.The gross expression of earth element in the sink zones acts as the shield to the house that protects the house by absorbing all the vibrations of the south-Southwest-West zones.Such stable-Strong-solid-gross expression of the earth element in the sink zone is the assurance of the peace-prosperity-progress to the occupants of the house.In case of institutions-organisations-establishments it is the sign of growth-diversity-integrity.Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050



24/08/17, 4:41:55 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:Heavy towering stone pillars to source directions obstruct the positive energy .It creat the vortex in the streaming leading to multiple voids in the zone.Such voids perish the aura of deities leading to loss of Aspirations of that zone.But such pillars is the right treatment to reduce the flux of sink direction leading to the obstruction to the progress of these sinking streams.The gross expression of earth element in the sink zones acts as the shield to the house that protects the house by absorbing all the vibrations of the south-Southwest-West zones.Such stable-Strong-solid-gross expression of the earth element in the sink zone is the assurance of the peace-prosperity-progress to the occupants of the house.In case of institutions-organisations-establishments it is the sign of growth-diversity-integrity.Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

SahasraMahavaastu:A perfect balance of arch and triangularity with sacred interrelationships shows positive intermingling of two diverse entities.Only arch is the left-water-female representation where as only truncated shapes are right-light-yang expressions .When both form a balancing geometry then it creat the possibility of equality of both yin-yang/left-right/distribution-creation/receiver-giver.In such places a business and transactions get a new mode of friendship.Only arches show a strong hold of tradition and religious values but do not support the business.The strong triangular geometry shows aggression and force hence does not show a good relationship.Balancing of different -antagonistic-opposite elements and creation of a sacred geometry is the art and science of Vaastushastra . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu -Aspirations

23/08/17, 6:59:03 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:A perfect balance of arch and triangularity with sacred interrelationships shows positive intermingling of two diverse entities.Only arch is the left-water-female representation where as only truncated shapes are right-light-yang expressions .When both form a balancing geometry then it creat the possibility of equality of both yin-yang/left-right/distribution-creation/receiver-giver.In such places a business and transactions get a new mode of friendship.Only arches show a strong hold of tradition and religious values but do not support the business.The strong triangular geometry shows aggression and force hence does not show a good relationship.Balancing of different -antagonistic-opposite elements and creation of a sacred geometry is the art and science of Vaastushastra . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

SahasraMahavaastu:When such verticality is addressed by such external pillars and bands then it indicates the integrity and ascension .In fengshui it is termed as trunks of wood which have organic fibre along with growth-Flowering and fruits.When some Greek goddess related to Venus and Beauty is placed in the form of statue then it connects such structures to the prosperity too.Proper crowns to the statue with engraved surrounding like a shelter and the symmetric art decoration gives a traditional grace and carries the blessings of the angels to the occupants.Additional peeping balconies with graceful grills open the internal spaces to the outer sky ;showing the connectivity to ether-energy-growth. Again a symmetry leading to a sacred geometry is the base of all this architecture.Crowns-Pedestals-blocks-curvatures shows the perfect balance of the Yang-Yin leading to the Tai-Chi-State of complete balance .#N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Vaastu Aspirations

23/08/17, 12:53:54 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:When such verticality is addressed by such external pillars and bands then it indicates the integrity and ascension .In fengshui it is termed as trunks of wood which have organic fibre along with growth-Flowering and fruits.When some Greek goddess related to Venus and Beauty is placed in the form of statue then it connects such structures to the prosperity too.Proper crowns to the statue with engraved surrounding like a shelter and the symmetric art decoration gives a traditional grace and carries the blessings of the angels to the occupants.Additional peeping balconies with graceful grills open the internal spaces to the outer sky ;showing the connectivity to ether-energy-growth. Again a symmetry leading to a sacred geometry is the base of all this architecture.Crowns-Pedestals-blocks-curvatures shows the perfect balance of the Yang-Yin leading to the Tai-Chi-State of complete balance .

SahasraMahavaastu:Colours have intimate relationship with planets and elements.Subtle expression of planets and elements happens in the vibrations of the colours.As said in the yoga Shastra,earth element is yellow -water element is white-wind element is blue and fire element is red .So just by using colours one can make the sequence of direction -colour-element.Whenever the expression of Element is wrong then by using colours one can change the effect of that wrong sequence.Colour is the powerful and subtle tool as remedial measure to rectify the surrounding in the Vaastu .


Vaastu Aspirations

22/08/17, 9:14:53 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:Colours have intimate relationship with planets and elements.Subtle expression of planets and elements happens in the vibrations of the colours.As said in the yoga Shastra,earth element is yellow -water element is white-wind element is blue and fire element is red .So just by using colours one can make the sequence of direction -colour-element.Whenever the expression of Element is wrong then by using colours one can change the effect of that wrong sequence.Colour is the powerful and subtle tool as remedial measure to rectify the surrounding in the Vaastu .

Vaastu Form Analysis

22/08/17, 11:30:19 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:The form is connected to the nature and to its presentation as what lies in it.Many times the nature selects and make sequences according to the constitution of the people and their behaviour too.When such sequences fail then people staying there do not get satisfaction and success to their capacities .This is called as Form-Future-Fortune Triad of the Vaastu;where importance lies to the sequence of planets-elements-deities-energy and the direction.The relation of the form to the surrounding sky creat the vibrations of specific element,leading to the emergence of the virtues and vices as per the expression of the element.The geometry of the form plays important role in the excitation of the element.The force of the geometric lines decides the intensity of the expression of that element.The asymmetric protruding of such force lines creat the disturbance in the balance of the surrounding ,which in turn gets reflected in the

Vaastu Aspirations

21/08/17, 9:34:14 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: Symmetry is the base of divinity and it leads to dynamic balancing of actual-real and virtual factors related to that existence.The feel that it creates changes the breath to positivity and it gives a positive momentum to all purposes-connections and to related people.The arch and lunar forms are considered to be a feminine celebrating gesture like the assurance of agreement to all entrants .It is indicative of moon characters that emanate the moon breath in and around the place; leading to the aura of acceptance and growth.The firmer earthly look by stones in the zone is indicative of solid purpose in all actions.All the architectural phenomena is related to the Vaastu Triad namely Form-Future-Fortune.

Ganesh Vidya

वास्तुशास्त्र हे खर्या अर्थाने गणेशविद्या आहे " सैषा गणेशविद्या" असेच त्याचे वर्णन करावे लागेल;कारण या शास्त्राचेही उद्दिष्ट विघ्नहरण व सुखकरण असे आहे. त्वम् मूलाधार:स्थितोसि नित्यम् या प्रमाणेच हे शास्त्रही पृथ्वीतत्वाच्या सर्व श्रेष्ठ अविष्काराचे शास्त्र अाहे,म्हणूनच आममाणसाच्या दु:खाचा परिहार हेच त्याचे प्रधान सूत्र आहे.इच्छा वासना महत्वाकांक्षा यांच्या सगुण अविष्काराचे व प्राप्तीचे योगे सुखाची प्राप्ती हेच त्याचे स्वरूप असल्यामुळे त्याला गणेशविद्या म्हणावे लागेल.मूलबीज ।।गं।। हेच मुळी पृथ्वीतत्वाचे असून सर्वच वास्तुपुरूषमंडळातील देवतांचा संदर्भ गणपती अथर्वशीर्षात येतो;हे समजून घेणे महत्वाचे आहे."स एषा म्हणजे हीच एक "विद्या या युगात तारू शकते ;म्हणून तिला कामिका आगम या ग्रंथात महातंत्र असे म्हटले आहे. Sent from my iPhone

SahasraMahavaastu:Towering the zone: Such irrational towers act like the flag of that zone ;which represents the imbalance state of one of the element or predominance of one element in that building.If colour is intense red and matches to the southeast then it shows a severe violence.If it lies in southwest zone then it signifies the active earth element,which again signify the immorality in the relationship.If in the northwest then it's a case of pressures on the daughters and if it's in northeast then divine is not supportive.Likewise each form and colour will have different effects on the aspirations.


Vaastu Aspiration

21/08/17, 12:12:23 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:Towering the zone: Such irrational towers act like the flag of that zone ;which represents the imbalance state of one of the element or predominance of one element in that building.If colour is intense red and matches to the southeast then it shows a severe violence.If it lies in southwest zone then it signifies the active earth element,which again signify the immorality in the relationship.If in the northwest then it's a case of pressures on the daughters and if it's in northeast then divine is not supportive.Likewise each form and colour will have different effects on the aspirations.

#Pitru Dosh Nashak Yantra:#Tantra -Vaastu #




Old Architecture Moscow #


Traditional Building #Moscow


Crystal assembly to remove all dark shadows from ur house#cleanse ur house by such tool#get connected to divinity and success #


Shool Yantra for Vithishula#for road hitting on house #


What a antique touch#Moscow #


Food in Moscow


Vaastu Visharad course complete #Moscow 14/8/17


Re: 🌺Search🌺

He lies in all magnitudes With his unique attitude And places a challenge on To cross our barriers dude Are they ours or drawn by him He only knows if he exists Knowing itself becomes curse To find his gratitude and place I keep wandering on my feet And make a road for him to Descend down.... Sent from my iPhone > On 09-Aug-2017, at 8:38 AM, Narendra Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 🌺Grahan-Kaal:🌺 > Why not to eat anything and sleep in the duration of Eclipse:?? > Normally eclipse happens on no moon or full moon night.During which either Vaishvik Ida streams are null or full as per the No moon or Full moon nights.Means in this period either the existence is under the effect of forceful Pingala or forceful Ida streams.During the eclipse what happens is sudden change in the cosmic breath takes the existence from Pingala to Sushubhna or from Ida to Sushubhna ..which is not a favourable situation .In Yogshastra it is said that