
Showing posts from December, 2016

Vaastu Course

DONOTMISS Advanced -VAASTU-COURSE Learn 3 days and start practice on 4 th day Vaastu-Pandit-Certificate-Course Remedial Vaastu Course with practical demo by Vaastu -Mahaguru Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu Vidya Vachaspati Sampoorn Vaastu Upayshastra on 20/21/22 January 2017 Hotel Rutugandh Behind Deccan Bus stand,Pulachi Vadi Pune Contact Dr NHS 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone

Vaastu Course

27/12/16 2:01:54 pm: Aslumbha: DONOTMISS Advanced -VAASTU-COURSE Learn 3 days and start practice on 4 th day Vaastu-Pandit-Certificate-Course Remedial Vaastu Course with practical demo by Vaastu -Mahaguru Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu Vidya Vachaspati Sampoorn Vaastu Upayshastra on 20/21/22 January 2017 Hotel Rutugandh Behind Deccan Bus stand,Pulachi Vadi Pune Contact Dr. Aslamacharya 9702422800 Dr NHS 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone

Fire as flame and aura

Fire is a specific type of vibration which has triangular formations in its waveforms.When these triangular patterns are in sacred geometry they have divine effects and such fire is called as Flame-Jyot.This form of fire is equated to the aura of the soul and not the ego.This form of fire creats mandalas of energy so it has Guru Tatva in it.So when copper-beej mantra-direction-element form a positive sequence ,emergence of the divine form of fire happens ,which establish the deity in the zone to reactivate the surrounding.This formation of mandala is the key to rectify the Vaastu by remedies. Sent from my iPhone

Copper panelling to south east door with hrim mantra

26/12/16 2:43:23 pm: N.H.Sahasrabuddhe: To activate the vibrations of fire element in the surroundings ;such panelling plays wonders.Particularly when there lies fault in the east -southeast zones fire becomes weak and in some cases becomes polluted .In such situation such remedy based on Tantra-Vaastu gives nice compensatory effects ;by creating symmetric triangular waveforms in the surroundings which reinforce the divine fire forms.In addition to just copper ,the sacred mantra of RHIM adds the positive fire energy to this tool.So for doors in east-southeast-south-southwest zones such copper panelling to the doors regulate the divine form of fire element .

International Astro Vaastu Course in Thiruannamalai

International Astro-Vaastu-Course in Thiruannamalai-India FirstCourse: Advance-Astro-Vaastu-Course First Day 1) Relation of elements-planets-directions. 2)Correlation of Astro and Vaastu through concept of Dikkal 3) Four important parameters:Vibrations-Waves-Sound-Light. 4) Is there anything like destiny or one can reorient the self by using above four parameters. 5) Cycles of Harmon-Orbits of planets-power of elements-aura of deities. 6)Understanding the elements as the bridge that connects the Astro and Vaastu. 7)Case-Studies. Second Day 1)100 rules of Vaastu 2) Correlation of rules to the actual plans of homes-offices-factory. 3) Application of rules. 4) Judgmental application of rules in practice. 5) Case Studies Third Day 1)100 rules of Astro-Vaastu with practical execution through horoscope. 2)Case studies. 3) Rituals Forth day 1) 100 rules of Astro Vaastu continues 2) Casestudies 3) rituals "Every day one hour for questions-answers" "Wi

West Shield

11/12/16, 6:59:03 AM: N H: West Shield: When west is confined-closed-covered like this then it removes the fear of Vikshep-Deity Jambhook of west zone.It solidifies the earth element leading to strength to the deity Mitra -angdevta of west zone ,which is a positive deity of the matrix ;due to its connectivity to the brahmasthana.That's why the gem-Blue Safire is placed in the Mitra-division of west zone to strengthen the west mount .When light is arrested then it strengthens the earth element as earth and ether are complementary to each other.Along with this if blue color is used then it activate the Saturn characters.Saturn on west horizon activate-accelerate and rejuvenate the Aditya streams of east zone ,indirectly strengthen the east matrix of deities too.

Re: Event Manifest

6) Quite different but more perfect concept is stipulated in Vedik Vaastu regarding the dynamic grid analysis of energy-forces-aura than modern hypothecated Hartmann Grid and Kary grids.Not only the theory is given related to energy grid but rituals given create the mandalacar patterns of streams of energy,so that excitation of elements and emergence of deities get effected in the space of the home-Vaastu-plot-factory.Hence it is foolish to search any stuff related to energy in any western school.It is foolish and disgrace to Vedic Classical systems ;by adopting the systems of dowsing and modern machine to fix the energy grid or to find the faults under the soil.All the classical theory is related to the tuning of life to the Naad-Brahm ie rhythm-synchronicity-frequency.So it is more profound-practical-easy -perfect.Those who read-study-learn this classical system will not touch such systems which are based on hand-tricks and pseudo machines like energy meters-lacher antennas etc .Its

Re: Event Manifest

5)Energy Grid:- The main energy force is from north to south ,which is termed as Jaivik Oorja ie Organic streams.This energy force is continuous-unidirectional-predominant that forces all the energy forms to mandalacar excitations ie sacred geometry.Change in the solar reference due to relative travel of sun on the north-south axis deflects the axis of prana .Daily travel and shift of the sun from east to west keeps shifting the grid of prana.These both variations in the channels of pranik energy are regulated due to continuous-unidirectional-predominant streaming of organic energy.That's why immense importance is given to the north energy which gets reflected in the north marking on the drawings. Sent from my iPhone > On 06-Dec-2016, at 3:26 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 4) North-Mark:- > In the architectural drawings immense importance is given to marking the correct north grid .Unfortunately architects have forgotten

Re: Event Manifest

4) North-Mark:- In the architectural drawings immense importance is given to marking the correct north grid .Unfortunately architects have forgotten it's energy reference in concurrence to the aura-energy-neurons in the human body.Bio-magnetism in the body gets right excitation if movement-rest-sleep happens with reference to right alignment to the energy grid.If it looses the alignment then it leads to friction-impedance-blockage at the aura level which in turn leads to disturbance in the psyche,irritation in the behavior and change in the order of rhythms in the body.All these subtle changes happen so passively that one is not in a position to understand the importance of this ritual of marking of north in the drawings and on the plot;rather planning the spaces in the right alignment with the north energy grid. Sent from my iPhone > On 06-Dec-2016, at 11:35 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > Friends > This revolution of ev

Re: Event Manifest

Friends This revolution of event manifest actually happens when the positive confluence of cosmic prana and personal breath happens.When the cosmic prana finds its course in the mandalacar path in the home-factory-Vaastu then this revolution of event manifest begins.This mandalacar streaming can happen in the home-vaastu-factory if the form of the house is correct-symmetric and in right relation with the Sun.It begins from outer surroundings and then finds its place in the living areas.So immense importance lies to the soil-Bhoomi-plot ie Vaastu.Vaastushastra means first it is a subject related to the plot and qualities -virtues of the soil ;then the subject of Bhavan-Home begins.If the form of the house is perfect but the characters of soil are wrong then it never leads to positive effect ;this means if the tides of the ocean are intense then the situation on the beach remains dangerous forever.In such case it's advisable to select the better plot or to do the serious treatments

Event Manifest

Friends When we speak of event manifest ;actually though events happen in the external surroundings,it's real happening is related to your inner being .So just the material gains is not the purpose of these oriental sciences but it aims to do the total revolution in your way of thinking and actions by revolutionizing the four pillars of your consciousness.And if such revolution happens then that is the real change that connects you to the cosmic will and divine choice.If say that it happens fast by yogshastra then one can say that it happens quite passively by vaastushastra;as travel of Vaastu begins from outer spaces to the inner being and not as it directly happens by yogshastra with its only connectivity to inner spaces.Thats why by Vaastu,one starts experiencing the abundance in the material practical world first and slowly changes the four pillars of consciousness.So to enjoy this revolution of event manifest ,in remedies it's beneficial to supplement it by allied shastr

Re: Event Manifest

Friends When we speak of event manifest ;actually though events happen in the external surroundings,it's real happening is related to your inner being .So just the material gains is not the purpose of these oriental sciences but it aims to do the total revolution in your way of thinking and actions by revolutionizing the four pillars of your consciousness.And if such revolution happens then that is the real change that connects you to the cosmic will and divine choice.If say that it happens fast by yogshastra then one can say that it happens quite passively by vaastushastra;as travel of Vaastu begins from outer spaces to the inner being and not as it directly happens by yogshastra with its only connectivity to inner spaces.Thats why by Vaastu,one starts experiencing the abundance in the material practical world first and slowly changes the four pillars of consciousness.So to enjoy this revolution of event manifest ,in remedies it's beneficial to supplement it by allied shastr

Event Manifest

Friends Let's speak on cosmic prana and personal breath today.Yogashastra has deeply explained the relation of this prana and breath by coordinating it to the event manifest of life.This relation is the fundamental basis of ancient Vaastu shastra. Yogshastra says that N/NE/E are blessed by the Chandra-Ida -Nadi Pravah ie moon streams.Rather these directions are the source directions of the positive cosmic breath.Whenever any person-home-factory-Vaastu gets connected to these streams there happen the experience of peace-prosperity-progress-abundance and bliss.Where as the other set of directions viz S/SW/W are connected to the Surya-Pingala-Nadi-Pravah ie Sun streams.Rather these directions are the sink directions those emit negative cosmic breath.Whenever any person-home -factory-Vaastu get excited by these streams ie negative cosmic breath ;there happens the negative eventology ie death-destruction-demolition-discontinuity and defamation.Thats why in yogshastra moonstreams are

Ayadhi Concept Vaastu Design

25)As base of the Ayadhi -Calculations is wavelength and it's sacred formation to match the personal star ;hence such sacred geometric designs play an important role in the Bhavan-Shastra.These designs are formations of balanced patterns of five great elements,so they lead to emergence of different auras ie different deities.If sequence of these deities-aura-designs can be simulated with the deities of Vaastu Purush Mandala then this forms the new field of remedies in Vaastushastra.If such designs are done by pastes of specific grains and colors then it gives direct connectivity to the star and elements;this is the key of different mystic yantras in ancient theories.

International Vaastu course Moscow
