Vaastu notes
*Head to South while sleeping *
Body contains all over neurones and head is the ocean of the neurones. Neurones have north sensitivity; so while sleeping with head to south ;the entire system of neurones gets aligned towards the feet ie away from the head .So the thought gets submerged in the thoughtless state ;that helps to enter in the sleep.
*Upanishad * says that soul entry is ftom head ie sahasrar and prana entry is from feet . So if you sleep with legs to north then the jaivik urja enters from these doors and bring a cooling medium ; leads to cooling of the organic system of the body.
If one sleeps with head to north then this jaivik urja hits the head and disturbs the ocean of neurones.
*Head to the east while sleeping *
East is the source of prana and if head remains in the mandalas of the prana then it attains the tranquility . Where as the feet signify the Apana ie west direction. So in sleep when head is east and feet are to the w