
Showing posts from August, 2021

Vaastu notes

*Head to South while sleeping * Body contains all over neurones and head is the ocean of the neurones. Neurones have north sensitivity; so while sleeping with head to south ;the entire system of neurones gets aligned towards the feet ie away from the head .So the thought gets submerged in the thoughtless state ;that helps to enter in the sleep. *Upanishad * says that soul entry is ftom head ie sahasrar and prana entry is from feet . So if you sleep with legs to north then the jaivik urja enters from these doors and bring a cooling medium ; leads to cooling of the organic system of the body. If one sleeps with head to north then this jaivik urja hits the head and disturbs the ocean of neurones. *SO HEAD TO SOUTH AND LEGS TO NORTH.* *Head to the east while sleeping * East is the source of prana and if head remains in the mandalas of the prana then it attains the tranquility . Where as the feet signify the Apana ie west direction. So in sleep when head is east and feet are to the w

Sleeping postures

*Head to South while sleeping * Body contains all over neurones and head is the ocean of the neurones. Neurones have north sensitivity; so while sleeping with head to south ;the entire system of neurones gets aligned towards the feet ie away from the head .So the thought gets submerged in the thoughtless state ;that helps to enter in the sleep. *Upanishad * says that soul entry is ftom head ie sahasrar and prana entry is from feet . So if you sleep with legs to north then the jaivik urja enters from these doors and bring a cooling medium ; leads to cooling of the organic system of the body. If one sleeps with head to north then this jaivik urja hits the head and disturbs the ocean of neurones. *SO HEAD TO SOUTH AND LEGS TO NORTH.* *Head to the east while sleeping * East is the source of prana and if head remains in the mandalas of the prana then it attains the tranquility . Where as the feet signify the Apana ie west direction. So in sleep when head is east and feet are to the

Sri Kshetra Sakori Vishnu Yaag

Pt 10 Aryama Sikhi Anil


Pt 9 Mitra Pitru Rog


Pt 7 sikhi Rog and Bhudhar


Pt 6 Bhudhar and Naag


Pt 5 Pancha sirsha stapana and Gram Rachana


Pt 4 Pancha sirsha stapana symbals of zones


Pt 3 Pancha sirsha stapana


Pt 2 Activation of bhudhar


Vaastu purusha mandala45 Deities Pt Dr Narendra H Sahasrabuddhe


Vaastu Course

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