
Showing posts from 2015

Re: Surya ketu Naadi

Save only those memories which gives twinkle in your eyes... Not wrinkles on your face...!! Have a fantastic last day of the year of 2015. And a Very happy NEW YEAR 2016... Sent from my iPhone > On 30-Dec-2015, at 8:33 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 30/12/15 8:23:09 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Suru ketu Naadi is connected to universal motherhood ,it gets activated when kundalini crosses the barriers of Sahasrara;which happens after the full moon effect of Chandratatva in Mastaka ,due to urdhva mukh Suryatatva of Naabhi.This Naadi is hypothecation and considered as 25 th Important Naadi emerges when all 24 channels are activated...It happens when kundalini crosses the barriers of Shir-Oor-Udar and merges with Vyapini and Shivchakra... > 30/12/15 8:30:58 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Astro-Referance: > Ketu is the planet that releases from bindings of solar orbit.When one completes the 1.25 Lakhs of Pradakshina around the Peepal tree this m

Surya ketu Naadi

30/12/15 8:44:48 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Surya represents the focal point of power and reproduction so it is not a divine fire but a Royal fire.Where as Ketu represents Yogik fire which burns everything without any residue like a camphor.So activation of ketu releases from earthly bondages.So ketu in 12 th house of horoscope releases the Jeeva from birth and death cycle.Here when ketu unites with Surya , it creat a field of salvation and removes the bounds of sun the state of mind beyond the power and pleasure is gained which is full of compassion and kindness..So importance of surya ketu Naadi begins after total emancipation and cut off from worldly pleasures... Sent from my iPhone

Surya ketu Naadi

30/12/15 8:23:09 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Suru ketu Naadi is connected to universal motherhood ,it gets activated when kundalini crosses the barriers of Sahasrara;which happens after the full moon effect of Chandratatva in Mastaka ,due to urdhva mukh Suryatatva of Naabhi.This Naadi is hypothecation and considered as 25 th Important Naadi emerges when all 24 channels are activated...It happens when kundalini crosses the barriers of Shir-Oor-Udar and merges with Vyapini and Shivchakra... 30/12/15 8:30:58 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Astro-Referance: Ketu is the planet that releases from bindings of solar orbit.When one completes the 1.25 Lakhs of Pradakshina around the Peepal tree this magic of breaking of gravitation and solar pull may happen .This is possible when sun element is weak i e west symbol -Peepal; which happened to mother of Dnyaneshvar maharaj s mother and she gave a birth to a child whose surya ketu Naadi was awake right from the moment of birth.So Dnyaneshvara the only man w


26/12/15 9:38:46 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 6) When there is water to east,hill to east,east closed,staircase to east , then this leads to loss of fire element i e Nirbal-Agni.This situation reduces courage,decisive capacity and memory.In general state of Prana in body-mind-intellect is weak.Specially this being a yang zone; effect happens in the males.Courage builds empires,power attracts money and intellect finds a way out from calamities.So if fire is weak ,the life becomes poor in every respect. Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Email 26/12/15 9:47:41 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 7) Whereas if east contains toilet or septic tank then that spoils the aura of east ;which leads to Pradushit Agni i e polluted fire element.Pollution leads to disease hence toilets or septic tank leads to vices in males alongwith weakness in males.Since order and discipline are the vi

Re: East-zone

6) When there is water to east,hill to east,east closed,staircase to east , then this leads to loss of fire element i e Nirbal-Agni.This situation reduces courage,decisive capacity and memory.In general state of Prana in body-mind-intellect is weak.Specially this being a yang zone; effect happens in the males.Courage builds empires,power attracts money and intellect finds a way out from calamities.So if fire is weak ,the life becomes poor in every respect. Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Email Sent from my iPhone > On 26-Dec-2015, at 12:00 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 25/12/15 11:52:46 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 5) If east vibration is weak then fire is weak , means such house has Nirbal-Agni/weak fire .This situation leads to all daughters in the house and no son-condition.Many times this situation lea


25/12/15 11:52:46 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 5) If east vibration is weak then fire is weak , means such house has Nirbal-Agni/weak fire .This situation leads to all daughters in the house and no son-condition.Many times this situation leads to impuberty in married couple ,due loss of male harmone in the husband.So unless a positive fire is enhanced in body-mind-intellect such couples remain childless.Thats the importance of vibrations of east zone. Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 E-mail-I'd Sent from my iPhone


25/12/15 11:47:29 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 4) As positive energy gets expressed only in a clockwise form and never in a straight direct channel or in anti clockwise loops;effectivity of north is possible only if it is related to east zone; as east is in clockwise relation to north.Means water to north with east closed; will never lead to prosperity to the house.This means that unless a positive confluence happens of north and east vibrations happen in Bhavan-Shastra it will not lead to prosperity.Hence the traditional sutra says that "Poorv Plave Bhavellaxmime" Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 E-Mail-I'd Sent from my iPhone

East zone

25/12/15 11:41:31 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 3) Generally everybody equate north to prosperity but north acts as the wish pond and blesses multiple opportunities-choices-possibilities.Unless these things are grasped by courage-cleverness and compatibility one is not in position to enjoy that prosperity. Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone


25/12/15 11:36:46 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 2) Matrix of deities contain Indra-Ravi-Satya-Aryama deities which blesses Dhi-Dhruti-Smruti-Oorja i e intelligence-courage-self recognition-power.Hence ambition-esteem-ethics are virtues of vibrations of east ; which leads to prosperity of every kind.Well said Tradionally as Poorv Plave Bhavellaxmim..Vibrations of east play very important role in the human life. Contact Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 E-Mail-I'd Sent from my iPhone

East -Zone

25/12/15 11:30:14 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) east is source direction of Pranik energy and represents yang energy.So it is more related to males and secondarily to females.So faults in this direction creat some faults in males.This direction contains the fire element as a flame ; which is divine form of fire element.It represents forth pillar of consciousness viz ego but it's a positive side of ego which creat many social charity work.i e it is a satvik ahankar.Hence fault in this direction lead to faults in male characters.For further interest join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 E-mail -id Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Vaastu notes

Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < > Date: 21 December 2015 10:37:02 pm IST To: Sunanda Rathi < > Subject: Vaastu notes 21/12/15 10:50:31 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) Neurons form the ocean of consciousness and extend the aura of the person.This aura is the media through which one is able to absorb the energy of the nature.These neurons have a north sensitivity means north energy aligns the activity of neurons.Thats why this energy is termed as Jaivik Oorja and this energy gets emanated from the planet Jupiter and jupiter has tendency to enhance the field of energy .So when one sleeps with head to south sensitivity of neurons start operating towards legs and brain attends the tranquility . 2) In traditional Vedik theory feet is the door of Prana and head-Sahasrara is the door of Aatman-soul.So if one sleeps with legs to south ,it leads to dissipation of prana leading to loss o

Vaastu notes

Vaastu notes

21/12/15 10:51:37 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) Neurons form the ocean of consciousness and extend the aura of the person.This aura is the media through which one is able to absorb the energy of the nature.These neurons have a north sensitivity means north energy aligns the activity of neurons.Thats why this energy is termed as Jaivik Oorja and this energy gets emanated from the planet Jupiter and jupiter has tendency to enhance the field of energy .So when one sleeps with head to south sensitivity of neurons start operating towards legs and brain attends the tranquility . 2) In traditional Vedik theory feet is the door of Prana and head-Sahasrara is the door of Aatman-soul.So if one sleeps with legs to south ,it leads to dissipation of prana leading to loss of energy.Whereas with legs to north ,leads to unification of Jaivik and Pranik energy leading to oneness of faculties of mind-body-intellect leading to sense of tranquility. 21/12/15 10:53:06 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Sahasra-Maha-Va

Vaastu notes

20/12/15 10:20:58 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 5) When symbols-elements-right left consideration forms a positive sequence it is indicative of good time in near future.Normally these symbols show the faults in the house too.Whereas if the sequence is dissimilar then it shows the possibility of negative time in the near future.Such observations are indicative of need of urgency of change in the house.So alongwith subtle hidden unknown faults symbols have dynamic reference as regards energy and time. Sent from my iPhone


20/12/15 10:33:07 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Your power of speech has three and half dimensions but practically said as four dimensions.When unification of these four faculties happen it leads to sense of completion and feel of transcendental state of being.Aa of Aum originate from throat and end at leaps so covers the Vaikhari;Uooo of Aum travels both ways outside the mouth as well below the throat;so vibration by purifying Madhyama activate the Pashyati.Ma -vibration mainly gives excitation to Sahasrara and by the awakes the dimensions of Third power of speech viz Pashyanti .And the ardhmatra Immmssss which is called as Anuchharya means beyond the pronunciation is the unifying vibration of all these three forms of power of speech and leads to moments of Satchit Sukha. Hence Pranava is said as Kamadm-fulfills desire and Mokshadm means releases the physical bindings. Hence Sri Dnyandev says Transform your Prana in to pranava... So chanting AUM is the simplest way of Sadhana... 20/1


20/12/15 10:02:35 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: Your power of speech has three and half dimensions but practically said as four dimensions.When unification of these four faculties happen it leads to sense of completion and feel of transcendental state of being.Aa of Aum originate from throat and end at leaps so covers the Vaikhari;Uooo of Aum travels both ways outside the mouth as well below the throat;so vibration by purifying Madhyama activate the Pashyati.Ma -vibration mainly gives excitation to Sahasrara and by the awakes the dimensions of Third power of speech viz Pashyanti .And the ardhmatra Immmssss which is called as Anuchharya means beyond the pronunciation is the unifying vibration of all these three forms of power of speech and leads to moments of Satchit Sukha. Hence Pranava is said as Kamadm-fulfills desire and Mokshadm means releases the physical bindings. Hence Sri Dnyandev says Transform your Prana in to pranava... So chanting AUM is the simplest way of Sadhana... 20/1

Esoteric Vaastu

19/12/15 10:33:33 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1)Esoteric Vaastu is a mysterious subject which predict the eventology connected to the form by analyzing the symptoms and symbols attached to the form. These are based on knowledge of traditional astrology and on the theory of Yogshastra alongwith the basic tenets of Vaastushastra. This system is able to predict the faults which are subtle and hidden. It gives understanding of the unknown dimensions of the sequence of person-purpose -form. 19/12/15 10:48:35 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 2) Forms around you are carriers of elements,so represent specific pattern of energy,hence leads to particular path in life.Relationship of different forms is either the cycle of creation or the cycle of mitigation which gives information of the events of future.Geometry of the form reflects the intensity of the event.So form is the base of this subject . 19/12/15 10:48:07 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 3) There are two types of Vaastushastra; one speaks with north, sou

Vaastu notes

17/12/15 10:51:17 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 10) Axis-Energy-Attainment is the sequence of Vaastushastra which promote the forward progressive mode in life.This sequence pours the stream of creativity in your consciousness;by that a purification of entire Being begins.This movement of purification is subtle and silent ;so on practical gravitational platform one is not able to grasp it with routine intellect.It needs the comprehensive understanding of different entities of nature ;for that not the analytical but a mind of synthesis is necessary to grasp. Do you want to learn this divine oriental subject of Vaastushastra then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone

Re: Vaastu notes

9) Symmetry is the soul of sacred geometry and the creation of form that reflects the sacred geometry is the purpose of Vaastushastra.Such form of your house improves the quality of your surroundings;so that it protects your aura ;which is the synchronizing factor between the individual and the cosmos.Thats why various mystic figures of Yantras are used to enhance some specific virtues in the person.In a way your house is also acts like a mystic form which creat subtle relationship to the nature.Do you want to learn this mystical subject of Vaastushastra;then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone > On 17-Dec-2015, at 10:25 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 17/12/15 10:22:45 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 8) As in Fengshui Yin and Yang are two elements on which the whole science is based; similarly Sun and Moon are two c

Vaastu notes

17/12/15 10:22:45 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 8) As in Fengshui Yin and Yang are two elements on which the whole science is based; similarly Sun and Moon are two cosmic breaths on which the theme of Vaastu is based.A positive confluence of the personal breath and cosmic breath i e Prana removes the friction -impedance-resistance from life leading to progress and forward positive relationship with the Time which are the support of subject of eventology. 17/12/15 10:22:45 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: So vaastushastra is the subject that bends the curvature of Time by formation of the ascending helical form of energy in and around the person.Do you want to learn this divine ancient subject then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu by Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone

Vaastu notes

17/12/15 10:04:42 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 6) Form contains quality-pattern-and specific energy which classify the form as good or bad.Good forms show its connectivity to virtues and obviously bad forms project vices.So good forms lead to sequence of peace-prosperity-progress by minimal friction in the streams of time and energy.And bad forms show a reverse and lag in their journey to destiny.This is the logic of sequence of form-future and fortune.Do you want to learn this ancient art and science of creation of perfect form of your office-homes-factories then attend the workshop on Vedik-Vaastu-Science by World-Famous-Master Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe +91 9822011050 Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 17/12/15 10:04:42 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 7) Connectivity to positive energy emerges the right excitation of elements and deities; which shower bliss-better hood -benevolence in life.Connectivi

Re: Vaastu Course Mumbai

DONOTMISS First time course with PracticalDemonstration of all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 24/25/26/27 December by Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu-Vidya-Vachspati with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific/Astro .SHOPS,OFFICES,FACTORIES .And ONE DAY all practical DEMONSTRATIONS of all remedies Acres Club Chembur Contact DrNHS 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone > On 11-Dec-2015, at 9:36 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > > DONOTMISS > First time course with PracticalDemonstration of all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 24/25/26/27 December by Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu-Vidya-Vachspati > with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific/Astro .SHOPS,OFFICES,FACTORIES .And ONE DAY all practical DEMONSTRATIONS of all remedies > Acres Club Che

Re: Vaastu Course Mumbai

DONOTMISS First time course with PracticalDemonstration of all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 24/25/26/27 December by Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu-Vidya-Vachspati with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific/Astro .SHOPS,OFFICES,FACTORIES .And ONE DAY all practical DEMONSTRATIONS of all remedies Acres Club Chembur Contact Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone > On 11-Dec-2015, at 7:24 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 6) Form contains quality-pattern-and specific energy which classify the form as good or bad.Good forms show its connectivity to virtues and obviously bad forms project vices.So good forms lead to sequence of peace-prosperity-progress by minimal friction in the streams of time and energy.And bad forms show a reve

Re: Vaastu Notes

6) Form contains quality-pattern-and specific energy which classify the form as good or bad.Good forms show its connectivity to virtues and obviously bad forms project vices.So good forms lead to sequence of peace-prosperity-progress by minimal friction in the streams of time and energy.And bad forms show a reverse and lag in their journey to destiny.This is the logic of sequence of form-future and fortune.Do you want to learn this ancient art and science of creation of perfect form of your office-homes-factories then attend the workshop on Vedik-Vaastu-Science by World-Famous-Master Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe +91 9822011050 Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone > On 10-Dec-2015, at 8:58 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 10/12/15 8:58:21 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) vibrations-waves-sound-light are four dimensions of total e

Re: Vaastu Course-Mumbai

DONOTMISS First time course with PracticalDemonstration of all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course on 24/25/26/27 December by Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu-Vidya-Vachspati with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific/Astro/Architectural/Yoga remedies.And one day all practical demonstration of all remedies Acres Club Chembur Contact DrNHSahasrabuddhe 9822011050 Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Sent from my iPhone > On 10-Dec-2015, at 8:58 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 10/12/15 8:58:21 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) vibrations-waves-sound-light are four dimensions of total existence.When there is rhythm in these four things automatically every system works efficiently .So Vaastushastra is the system of laws and regulations that brings order and discipline in life.This order of nature brings p

Vaastu Notes

10/12/15 8:58:21 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) vibrations-waves-sound-light are four dimensions of total existence.When there is rhythm in these four things automatically every system works efficiently .So Vaastushastra is the system of laws and regulations that brings order and discipline in life.This order of nature brings peace-prosperity-progress in life. 10/12/15 8:58:21 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 2) It is the science and art of creating right relation with Sun-Light-Energy-Ether.This right relationship is created by certain tenets as observed in life to creat a positive streaming of energy.This streaming is created by creation of synchronous surrounding around you. 10/12/15 8:58:21 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 3) Five great elements namely earth-fire-wind-water-ether are immense and overpowering in nature and subtle in human being .So to creat right relation with nature to enhance the subtle elements and to creat the balance in five great elements is the purpose of vaastushastra 10/12/1

Re: Vaastu notes

Vaastu-Naabhi: It's the activation and stabilization of earth element at the soul point of earth in Brahmsthan .As Vaastu is the science of right expression of earth element ; importance is given to only earth part of Brahmasthan .No other element is activated in their respective soul zones in Brahmasthan .This acts like the dand of the two discs of Jate ie floor making machine of old times.But here this dand is fixed to the disc of directions around which the disc f Time rotates.Since directions and their virtues are fixed by this lingakaar shiva -Dand ; time wave is controlled and one experience a solace in life.Shiva acts as a balancer between the directions and time so this act is Kaal-Dish-Samayochit.Since both cycles of directions and time are fixed to this Shiva , they automatically play a song of harmony in life; i e the beauty of Vaastushastra ; which counterports the yogas of astrology. Sent from my iPhone > On 28-Nov-2015, at 11:47 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < dr

International Vaastu Course Russia SOCHI


Re: Vaastu notes

14)Southwest is the zone of Apana i e excretion .So when this zone starts inhaling instead of exhalation , it becomes a Mahadosha-Severe fault.Since this is a chief direction of exhalation when it changes its character as the sink zone , it disturb the total energetics of the Vaastu .According to Yogashastra the best condition of any institution weather health or surrounding can be achieved if Prana and Apana are in equilibrium .In Vaastushastra it is attained by equalizing the Aay-Vyay equation.Means any activity of ether in the Southwest zone creat the reversal of prana means a reversal of consciousness , which might be the reason of suicidal behavior of gruhsvami in such houses. Are you interested in learning this divine vedik science then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Chirayu ‪+91 97624 01234‬ Sent from my iPhone > On 26-Nov-2015, at 11:35 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabud

Re: Vaastu notes

13) Stabilization of any element in the home happens through the Brahmsthan as it contains the Beej-Prana-Jeeva- of each faculty of vaastushastra means seeds-Prana-soul of each faculty of Vaastu Purush Mandala.So the key to balance the elements in the home lies in the central zone.If Brahma -vibrations are powerfully activated by Karm -kaal-Chidvastu i e Ritual-Auspicious time-Divine carriers then any fault in the periphery do not disturb the matrix of deities and elements remain in equilibrium .The sacred geometry of forces leads to divinity.Do you want to learn all this mystic ism of this oriental science.. Are you interested in learning this divine vedik science then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Chirayu ‪+91 97624 01234‬ Sent from my iPhone > On 26-Nov-2015, at 11:35 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 12) Well to south

Re: Vaastu notes

12) Well to southwest , borewell to southwest leads to depression to southwest.In such case it leads to weak earth element and simultaneously Viprit-Patal means voids.Water reduces the power of earth and Patal is direct deduction in the earth.Such fault in Vaastu acts like a slope to southwest direction.Practically it activate the negative vibrations of sink zone, which is termed as Surya-Pingala-Nadi.Which is termed as hard-Cruel-Negative cosmic breath.These negative streams are responsible for the short of breath of main male person in the house leading to premature deaths. Are you interested in learning this divine vedik science then join Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Chirayu ‪+91 97624 01234‬ Sent from my iPhone > On 26-Nov-2015, at 11:25 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > 11) Cut to southwest zone is a direct absence of th