
Showing posts from February, 2016

Fire place

01/03/16, 11:52:32 AM: Narendra: Fire-Place:To energies the fire virtues to the east and in some cases to the southeast such open firebox will add to the beauty to the architecture and interior of the house.The open fire with burning of some special herbs will add to the divine vibrations and will add to the virtue in the surrounding.Smoke and fire of some herbs are connected to some divine deities and fire acts as the mouth of all deities,so to creat and adjust the sequence of elements-planets-deities such modern medium will act as the powerful remedy in the modern houses.Dry coconut with black-white Til +rice grains+ghee+clove+camper acts as the ideal combination to creat the divinity if used in the fire.Rather this combination creat the divine form of the fire.

Such pyramidal canopies on terraces of sink directions is the ideal form ,that absorbs all the negative sinking streams.Since the pyramidal form has multiple virtues of complementary planets and elements ;it acts magically.As it has four sides and is based on square or rectangle it represents Earth-Element.As it is formed by four symmetric triangles ,it represent a balanced fire which is promotive of divine earth element.As it dehydrate the content it represent a controlled subtle form of fire element.As it makes pieces of the matter in its aura ,it has qualities of planet Ketu.As it contracts and shrinks the entity in its aura ,it has virtues of Saturn.As it holds the matter firmly its clutches are like the planet Rahu.Active fire symbolizes the characters of planet Mars.So terraces of Southeast-South-Southwest-west zones can be effectively treated by such pyramidal canopies.



23/02/16, 9:17:25 AM: Narendra: Aspirations are related to vibrations.Vibrations creat the astral body of deities when they form a sacred geometry .When ever vibrations are in the form of a sacred geometry they creat spaces-Sound-Light;otherwise they get transformed in the Voids-Noise-Shool.If house has toilets or kitchen or staircases in wrong zone means vibrations of that direction are in wrong sequence or vibrations form an evil distructing geometry.So when a play of vibrations is reoriented to suit the element and deity of that direction ;loss of aspiration can be recovered.So for creation of such vibrations one can use metals-stones-colors in the mural form;so that the Vaastu treatment get merged in the basic theme of Architecture and Interior Designing.

Re: southeast zone

10)Any person who has more anger or ego or attitude is normally projected to the hyper attack of southeast vibrations .If along with this hyper attack of southeast ,east is polluted due to toilets then this anger-ego-attitude get transformed in the violence,as total fire element is disturbed in the house.Along with this if entrance is from southwest (which enhance the vibrations due to loss of earth element ) then this violence enters in the next phase of crime.Fault in southwest leads to suicide where as fault in south leads to premature death by murder or accident.Thats how a network of bad forces corrupt the faculties of human beings. Sent from my iPhone On 18-Feb-2016, at 10:31 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 9) The relation of south to southeast is anti clockwise ;hence if south contains some severe fault and southeast contains a very small fault then the fault in southeast also gets converted in the severe fault.Then one should use excess earth el

Re: southeast zone

9) The relation of south to southeast is anti clockwise ;hence if south contains some severe fault and southeast contains a very small fault then the fault in southeast also gets converted in the severe fault.Then one should use excess earth element than normal proportion as "south fault will contribute lot of negative energy to southeast zone making severe disturbance in the southeast zone".In normal analysis of the house one may not understand this deep thought of dynamics of Vaastu i.e. the negative energy gets expressed in the anti clockwise path .So every Vaastu-Expert should understand the energy streaming and network of forces in the house ;actually which is the basic purpose of 81-division analysis of the Vaastu. Sent from my iPhone On 15-Feb-2016, at 9:56 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 11) Certain forms represent predominant waves of certain element;where as certain letters and words are also connected to specific planet and element.

Re:personal Vaastu

11) Certain forms represent predominant waves of certain element;where as certain letters and words are also connected to specific planet and element.Hence a combination of a form and sound will lead to a fast movement of the positive expression of that element.Likewise a set of notes which forms a particular tune-Raga is connected to specific time during which there lies excitation and rhythm of that natural element in cosmic as well in personal breath;so it's appreciation and effectivity gets enhanced. That's how one can see how the element plays important role due to its connectivity to the form-vibrations-chants ; which is the key of personal Vaastu . Sent from my iPhone On 14-Feb-2016, at 9:34 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: DONOTMISS  Second  time course with PracticalDemonstration of Ratnadhyay -Dhatu adhyay-Keelak-Helix and all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 4/5/6 March b

Re: Remedial Vaastu course

DONOTMISS  Second  time course with PracticalDemonstration of Ratnadhyay -Dhatu adhyay-Keelak-Helix and all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 4/5/6 March by      Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.SahasrabuddheNHVaastu-Vidya-Vachspati  with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific remedies shops,OFFICES,FACTORIES .And ONE DAY all practical DEMONSTRATIONS of all remedies  Acres Club Hemu Kalani Marg Behind Akbarallis  Chembur Contact DrNHS 9822011050   Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 7:18 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: So dharma-religion is connected to east -central brahma zone. Aartha-Money is connected to east-southeast-south-southwest. Kaam-desire is connected to southwest-west-north. Salvation is connected to Northeast-North-south. Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 7:11 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From:

Re: Personal Vaastu

So dharma-religion is connected to east -central brahma zone. Aartha-Money is connected to east-southeast-south-southwest. Kaam-desire is connected to southwest-west-north. Salvation is connected to Northeast-North-south. Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 7:11 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < > Date: 13 February 2016 at 7:10:28 PM IST To: Subject: Personal Vaastu 11)Four pillars of consciousness r connected to four pillars of destiny ie Dharm-Aarth-Kaam-Moksh....religion-money-desire-spiritual life. Religion is connected to Sun-Jupiter. Money is connected to Venus-Mars-Jupiter. Desire is connected to Rahu-Venus-Moon. Spiritual life  is connected to Ketu-Jupiter-Mars. Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Personal Vaastu

Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < > Date: 13 February 2016 at 7:10:28 PM IST To: Subject: Personal Vaastu 11)Four pillars of consciousness r connected to four pillars of destiny ie Dharm-Aarth-Kaam-Moksh....religion-money-desire-spiritual life. Religion is connected to Sun-Jupiter. Money is connected to Venus-Mars-Jupiter. Desire is connected to Rahu-Venus-Moon. Spiritual life  is connected to Ketu-Jupiter-Mars. Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Personal Vaastu

Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" < > Date: 13 February 2016 at 7:10:28 PM IST To: Subject: Personal Vaastu 11)Four pillars of consciousness r connected to four pillars of destiny ie Dharm-Aarth-Kaam-Moksh....religion-money-desire-spiritual life. Religion is connected to Sun-Jupiter. Money is connected to Venus-Mars-Jupiter. Desire is connected to Rahu-Venus-Moon. Spiritual life  is connected to Ketu-Jupiter-Mars. Sent from my iPhone

Re: Personal -Vaastu

10) Creation of spaces and deletion of voids is the basic purpose of vaastushastra .The voids of each person are based on the combination and condition of four pillars of consciousness which are unique and different for each person.So somebody is connected to Saturn energy then for him importance of west and south zone becomes important.This is the base of personal Vaastu . Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 4:48 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 7) Relation of personal business to planets-elements is the key to understand the theme of personal Vaastu . 8)Set of directions and its correlation creat a specific wave of energy which is very much important to trace in the office and house of the person.So mapping the persons personal choice of set of directions is the pulse to get the additional advantage out of personal Vaastu . 9) This set of directions is defined on the base of cycles of planets in transit as well on the particular element of the perso

Re: Personal -Vaastu

7) Relation of personal business to planets-elements is the key to understand the theme of personal Vaastu . 8)Set of directions and its correlation creat a specific wave of energy which is very much important to trace in the office and house of the person.So mapping the persons personal choice of set of directions is the pulse to get the additional advantage out of personal Vaastu . 9) This set of directions is defined on the base of cycles of planets in transit as well on the particular element of the person as based on chart and his activity . Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 4:45 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 2) Personal Vaastu contains remedies based on the combination of his chart ,so that weak zones can be reinforced to reduce the possibilities of failures. 3) Each person has different constitution which can be read through his birthdate or birth chart so that a specific remedy suggested acts like an immediate medicine which can substitut

Re: Personal -Vaastu

2) Personal Vaastu contains remedies based on the combination of his chart ,so that weak zones can be reinforced to reduce the possibilities of failures. 3) Each person has different constitution which can be read through his birthdate or birth chart so that a specific remedy suggested acts like an immediate medicine which can substitute the practical requirements of that period. 4) Though the general traditional Vaastu is powerful enough still if a detail analysis related to his choice and field are taken care of ;then the accuracy of the event is attained in a better way. 5) For example :If person is related to security services or police then Mars has more importance then in concurrence more importance should be given to east-southeast zones. 6) if person is related to politics or power then more importance should be given to Sun-vibrations;so more importance should be given to central zone along with east direction too. Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone On 13-Feb-2016, at 4:4

Re: Personal -Vaastu

1)Personal Vaastu is the remedial way to improve the persons aura ;so that he can tackle the situation successfully. Sent from my iPhone On 10-Feb-2016, at 10:27 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 8) Since the form of fire is intense in the southeast zone ,if bedroom of couples is planned in this zone;many times violence-strong differences-divorce is faced .Many times due to intense fire ,if bedrooms of couples are aligned in this zone then it leads to disorder in growth of the fetus or may lead to repetitive abortions.At Least when one experience such problem then should discard this zone for sleeping.This zone falls under the power of Mars and intense fire with positive deities like Savita-Savitru means strength and intelligence ;so this zone is specifically allotted for the bedrooms of the unmarried sons in the house;so that they gain the strength of Mars and vertical ascending courage of fire. Sent from my iPhone On 09-Feb-2016, at 9:39 AM, Dr.N.H.Saha

Re: Vaastu-Course-Chembur-Mumbai-4/5/6 March2016

DONOTMISS  Second  time course with PracticalDemonstration of Ratnadhyay -Dhatu adhyay-Keelak-Helix and all Remedies: Remedial Applied Practical Vaastu Course for residential and commercial premises TOO.on 4/5/6 March by      Vaastu-Mahaguru Dr.SahasrabuddheNHVaastu-Vidya-Vachspati  with25Casestudies with all applied Vedik/scientific remedies shops,OFFICES,FACTORIES .And ONE DAY all practical DEMONSTRATIONS of all remedies  Acres Club  Hemu Kalani Marg Behind Akbarallis Chembur Mumbai Contact DrNHS 9822011050   Sent from my iPhone On 10-Feb-2016, at 10:27 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 8) Since the form of fire is intense in the southeast zone ,if bedroom of couples is planned in this zone;many times violence-strong differences-divorce is faced .Many times due to intense fire ,if bedrooms of couples are aligned in this zone then it leads to disorder in growth of the fetus or may lead to repetitive abortions.At Least when one experience such problem the

Re: Southeast zone

8) Since the form of fire is intense in the southeast zone ,if bedroom of couples is planned in this zone;many times violence-strong differences-divorce is faced .Many times due to intense fire ,if bedrooms of couples are aligned in this zone then it leads to disorder in growth of the fetus or may lead to repetitive abortions.At Least when one experience such problem then should discard this zone for sleeping.This zone falls under the power of Mars and intense fire with positive deities like Savita-Savitru means strength and intelligence ;so this zone is specifically allotted for the bedrooms of the unmarried sons in the house;so that they gain the strength of Mars and vertical ascending courage of fire. Sent from my iPhone On 09-Feb-2016, at 9:39 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 7) Weak fire leads to weakness in body-mind-intellect and may lead to cowardliness-fear-loss of confidence and creativity of every-kind. Where as polluted fire element leads to

Re: Southeast zone

7) Weak fire leads to weakness in body-mind-intellect and may lead to cowardliness-fear-loss of confidence and creativity of every-kind. Where as polluted fire element leads to disease in the organics of functioning of body-mind-intellect.Such situation creat a multiple fault in the personality leading to criminal patterns in humans;and all such people we find in gangs-politics-Bollywood personalities ;unfortunately who have become leaders in the minds of young generation.Since the present time represent the polluted orbits of Rahu and Rahu represents wind and fire too;this fault in Vaastu gets flared due to the polluted wind orbit.Septic tanks-toilets in the east-southeast zones lead to the polluted fire element whereas water-terrace-cuts-slopes  to southeast leads to weak fire element in the vaastushastra. Sent from my iPhone On 07-Feb-2016, at 9:18 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 6) When there is hill to west zone ;then as per traditional .vaastushas

Re: Southeast zone

6) When there is hill to west zone ;then as per traditional .vaastushastra it leads to prosperity but if  southeast is also depressed (as it normally happens) then it leads to weak fire ;which is a severe fault .It has been observed that at such situation majority couples get only daughters .Many times only the couples who have done reinforcement of fire element by Vaastu correction and in the health by Ayurveda and Yoga get sons.That is the command and grace of Shastras that works with divine will in personal life. Sent from my iPhone On 03-Feb-2016, at 11:08 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: 5) Terrace to southeast ,larger site margins to southeast means intrusion of wrong ether in the zone of fire( viparit antaral).Well or bore well to southeast also can be termed as wrong ether in the womb of earth zone.Southeast being a sink zone such holes or depression to this zone leads to waves of negative energy from the earth element.All these examples reduce t

Re: Southeast zone

4) To get the full proof result to anybody ;a three level correction is needed to everybody ie one at gross Vaastu level correction which is a physical phenomenal one.The second one is at personal level which is related to yoga-rituals-chants ;for cleansing of your body-mind-intellect,which is considered as first Vaastu where soul lives.The third correction is related to astrological reference ie your period related to planets.So unless such integral approach is followed in practical life ;it is not possible to attain the total tranquility and peace.For connection of each direction there lies perticular element .For connection of each planet again there lies connectivity to each element through the Astro-sign.For each personality there lies connectivity to particular pattern of breath ,which is again connected to enhancement of  particular  element.This can be said as the integral approach . Sent from my iPhone On 03-Feb-2016, at 11:08 PM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.c

Re: Southeast zone

5) Terrace to southeast ,larger site margins to southeast means intrusion of wrong ether in the zone of fire( viparit antaral).Well or bore well to southeast also can be termed as wrong ether in the womb of earth zone.Southeast being a sink zone such holes or depression to this zone leads to waves of negative energy from the earth element.All these examples reduce the strength and quality of fire element leading to negativity in the male hood means imbalance in the male hormone.Many dress designers,childless couples and dancers have this type of fault in the surrounding of their house or in the southeast zone of there house.If one stays for a longer duration in such house this weak fire creat a fear syndrome in the mind of males staying in that house.The prolonged effect of this fault make irreparable damages  in body -mind -intellect of the occupants. Sahasra-Maha-Vaastu or Vaastu-Interior by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe +919822011050 Vasstu