Showing posts from August, 2019
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺21.Vikshep-Devata:
Northeast zone is equated to water element but this water has much more divine virtues than the water of the north zone.Since this water ie Aap-Aspvatsa is surrounded by all the divine deities it contains the purifying virtue like the Ganga.On the map of India if we observe then we see the position of Ganga in the northeast zone and almost in the Aap Aapvatsa zone.
Traditional values-spiritual attitude-quiet behaviour are the attributes of this zone.Purity of consciousness-clarity in action and godhood are the blessings of this direction.
The Vikshep deity of this zone means that force which creat the resistance-impedance-friction to the streaming of the water and light elements.As this is the main zone of the water element,if this zone has fault then it disturb the energetics of the entire vasstu purusha mandala.As water has natural quality to creat the mandalas any fault over here breaks the mandalas of the cosmic energies .
Vikshep deity...
Vikshep devta
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺11.Vikshep-Devata:
Vikat is the name of the Vikshep deity of the south.Meaning of this word Vikat is horror-fearsome-hard-cruel-unbeatable.Actually there is the similar expression of the negative cosmic breath namely Pingala,which emanates from the south zone.So excitation of the Vikat can be controlled only by gross-powerful-stable earth element;as earth is the only element in which total absorption of the negative currents is possible.So When there lies weak expression of the earth element to the south zone then the activation of the Vikat-the Vikshep devta happens.
As to reduce the vibrations of the deity Vikat we use the powerful earth element as the remedy,it means the enemy element to the earth is the nature of the Vikat .It means expression of the Vikat will be with the qualities of ether-light-wind-water .Water washes away the earth,wind reduces the earth by friction,where there is light there is no earth.
As the main sink directions are attached to th...
Vikshep devata
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
1.Vikshep -Devta :
When energy streams in a mandalacar path in the house-office-factory then it creates the surroundings which has same motion mode .Where as if the fault lies in the surroundings then this fault has negative strokes to change the mandalacar mode of the pattern of the energy in the house.This way the energy of microcosm and macrocosm are interdependent and related to each other.
There are three states of every pattern of the energy.One acts as the centroid from where the vibrant energy emanates ,which can be said as the nucleus of that energy.Here the energy lies in a subtle dynamic state.The second state of the energy lies on the orbit of the nucleus which is in the gross dynamic state.
The third state stands as the friction to these two states of the energy,which tries to obstruct the system .These three states creat the concept of the entropy .
In the traditional text this whole system is explained as ।।सृष्टी स्थितिविनाशानाम् शक्तिभूते स...
Vikshep Deity
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
1.Vikshep -Devta :
When energy streams in a mandalacar path in the house-office-factory then it creates the surroundings which has same motion mode .Where as if the fault lies in the surroundings then this fault has negative strokes to change the mandalacar mode of the pattern of the energy in the house.This way the energy of microcosm and macrocosm are interdependent and related to each other.
There are three states of every pattern of the energy.One acts as the centroid from where the vibrant energy emanates ,which can be said as the nucleus of that energy.Here the energy lies in a subtle dynamic state.The second state of the energy lies on the orbit of the nucleus which is in the gross dynamic state.
The third state stands as the friction to these two states of the energy,which tries to obstruct the system .These three states creat the concept of the entropy .
In the traditional text this whole system is explained as ।।सृष्टी स्थितिविनाशानाम् शक्तिभूते स...
Master -Punyatithi
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Today is Shravan Vadya Panchami
My Master Sati Godavari Upasani Maharaj Punyatithi.
Thirty years back in 1990 she left her physical body at her age of 78.She left this physical cage with pre-decision,by telling everybody in the Mystique language.Till last day she performed all her daily rituals till night 11.00 And left for further journey at 12.30 in the Amrut Siddhi Yoga period .In 1923 her master Sri Upasani maharaj declared that he will dissolve his physical existence on SAPTAMI AND his further continuity Sri Godama on PANCHAMI ...That's the divine beauty of the day.
She opened the doors of Yadny Parampara to all women by learning vedas-and by performing more than 1000 yadnyas in her life time.
Her simplicity used to hide her immense divinity .
She was the only direct continuity of the Shirdi SAIBABA by direct traditional system.
Fwd: Crazy Wives
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Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Narendra Sahasrabudhe < > Date: 15 August 2019 at 5:07:06 PM IST To: Subject: Crazy Wives 🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺 🌈1.Crazy Wives: Normally craziness is the outcome of the incomplete desires of this birth and carry forward of the last birth too.Many times the surroundings is also responsible for craziness if the moon is weak.Many times if the same house is used by many tenants then there lies the disorder that gives birth to the craziness.It has a Mystique meaning in it that many times this physical body is named by some specific person but at the astral level the machine gets used by other consciousness too.In the field of psychiatric sciences it is termed as the Personality disorder.All these things contribute to the craziness.Lets ponder on this subject with the Vaastu Perspective. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌸🌸9822011050 🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺 🌈2.Crazy wives: Whenever Mars an...
International Vaastu Conference in Art of living Bangalore
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🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
21.If your birthday is in month of April then in your natal chart Sun lies in Pisces or Aries sign.Sun in Pisces is already discussed in last few articles .
Sun in Aries is it's exhalted condition .As basically in astrology Sun is considered as the malific planet,its exhalted condition may not give good effect.Vaastushastra point of view this exhalted sun leads to intense fire element in the east and southeast zone.Intense fire leads to hyper excitation of the ego that may lead to the violence.If this force is not controlled then it may lead to disturbance in the rhythm of the Brahmsthan.Astrologically sign Aries is connected to the head.Head zone is represented by the northeast zone due to the head of vaastu Purusha in the northeast zone of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
22.In natal chart the position of this Sun in Aries decides the zone in ...
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
15.Basically this Shastra means subject of the architecture but unfortunately it has been targeted by the nontechnical people ,so it is encroached by tantriks-mantriks-purohits-astrologers who do not have any connectivity to the basic planning of the spaces and grids.The subject is basically connected to the environmental aspect and the needs of the people along with the building materials .As there are building codes by government authorities ,similarly the tenets of the vaastu Shastra is connected to the rules and regulations of the way of construction.The present Vastu Shastra which more of the Shubha-Shubh of the life ,hardly ten pages of any traditional book covers the whole such information.
So to know the grace of the planning ,it is mandatory for each vaastu expert to practice the sketching of building forms ,everyday .Otherwise this Shastra will loose its divinity due to the handling by the wrong people .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
Grah Tatva Devta Disha
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🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
20.Traditional theory of vaastu says that if Brahmsthan contains severe fault then it may reflect by any severe disease to stomach for the Gruhsvami .
If such situation happens then it's a type of conformation of effect of the Sun in the Rahu star .In such situations there lies a possibility of some severe fault in west zone .This west fault may be severe that protrudes the Brahmsthan and creates such situations.
Many times this condition of Sun in Rahu star activate the Rahu vibrations,which start streaming from west or southwest zones ,as this is the zone of Rahu .So just Sun in acquarious has many shades of meaning and may can reflect in the Vaastu with multiple faults .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
21.If your birthday is in month of April then in your natal chart Sun lies in Pisces or Aries sign.Sun in Pisces is already discussed in last few articles .
Sun in Arie...
Graham Tatva Devta Disha
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
11.If Rahu happens in the Capricorn sign then it disturbs the stability in general .Basically sun being in a debilitated condition due to the enemy sign ,this conjunction with second Saturn ie Rahu totally reduce the power of the sun .In natural horoscope Sun is the lord of the fifth house ,which is connected to your children-education-sex-last birth too.So conjunction of Rahu with Sun finds once Karma of the past life ,which have a profound effect on the eventology of this life .Rahu being second Saturn ,this position of the Rahu do not disturb the earth element but it disturbs the qualities and the existence of the Sun like the eclipse effect .So any faults in the hiranya -garbha ie the Brahmsthan of the house is connected to this situation in the natal chart .Any type of Shalya in Brahmsthan of the house could be the reflection of this fault of the natal chart .Any fault propagating deep from south-southwest zones up to the Brahmst...
Grah Tatva Devta Disha
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🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
1.If you are born in month of January then you have sun in Sagittarius or Capricorn.If it is in Sagittarius then Fire is intense in you and you need to tranquillise this fire then the consciousness gets balanced that leads to success.If Sun is in Capricorn then then the fire is set to doom down in the earth element of the sign Capricorn.In such case you need to extinguish this fire content to activate your consciousness.
2.If Fire is intense due to sun in Sagittarius then there is possibility of the hyper excitation of the energy in the southwest zone .This will disturb your bedroom due to hyper heat in the body ,as well because of your more inclination towards the religious activities.The sun in the Jupiter sign attracts your consciousness to charity work ,ritualistic behaviour leading to reduction in the sensuous activities.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
3.If Fire ...