🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺1
🌈Navratri Pratipada 🌈
It starts after no moon night when moon is transiting from Virgo to Libra ie from south to west ; as 2/6/10 means south and 3/7/11 means west. This motion is clockwise-pradakshinamarge towards it's natural residence North zone and around the Brahmsthanam as regards Vaastushastra.Its rising from earth to wind and then to enter in water element of the north from northwest zone ; which is again the zone of Moon. Moon means mind , Moon means night and moon in own moods ; hence it's the period of the celestial celebration of "Navratri".When from south to west means it's the period of the blue moon ie celebration. The deity of the first day is Shailputri ie the daughter of mountains ie the state of the river in its purest beginning form .As we know that Ghat-Ghatana-Ghatakash is the Trika-triad of the Vaastushastra, so the Navratri with its nine forms of deities , which begins with the formation of the "Ghat"w