Showing posts from November, 2016
International Vaastu Design Course in Moscow 19 to 21 November 2016
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12) The root meaning of the word Ayam is length and of the word Adi means energy wave.Ayadhi Calculations means adjusting the proportion of the house to emanate a particular wave form that is in coherence to the star of owner of the house.The same ratio proportion can be used for his bedroom ,beds and even to his study table.All gross forms are connected to the subtle energies and specific forms are connected to particular waveform ; is the fundamental principle of theory of vaastushastra.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 11:31 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 13/11/16, 11:15:19 AM: Narendra: 9) As said by Great Mayan that this central point called Brahmbindu ;which is in the continuous process of expansion and mandalacar form gives birth to vibrations of Aum-Pranav-Atom-primary atomic particles by it's divine motion and nature.Hence this point is called as Adimool-Adiparashakti-primal energy source.So every right form h
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11) The personal star of each person represents his own frequency.This frequency is matched by organizing a specific proportion of the perimeter in the ratio of length and breadth; which is a star of that house .When these two stars have a matching frequency,they creat a positive energy field ; which leads to peace and prosperity.The same ratio can be achieved in the cabins and factories where domain of positive frequency gets formed for particular person.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 11:31 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 13/11/16, 11:15:19 AM: Narendra: 9) As said by Great Mayan that this central point called Brahmbindu ;which is in the continuous process of expansion and mandalacar form gives birth to vibrations of Aum-Pranav-Atom-primary atomic particles by it's divine motion and nature.Hence this point is called as Adimool-Adiparashakti-primal energy source.So every right form has formation of this bindu in it
Vaastu Design Course
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13/11/16, 11:15:19 AM: Narendra: 9) As said by Great Mayan that this central point called Brahmbindu ;which is in the continuous process of expansion and mandalacar form gives birth to vibrations of Aum-Pranav-Atom-primary atomic particles by it's divine motion and nature.Hence this point is called as Adimool-Adiparashakti-primal energy source.So every right form has formation of this bindu in it's skeleton and due to this bindu the regeneration of whole cosmic body happens.
13/11/16, 11:28:25 AM: Narendra: 10) Hence in oriental philosophy Lingam is considered as the basic form which is comprised of two centers ;signifying the Jeeva and Shiva.The jeevan is in the anti clockwise motion and forms the lower portion of the lingam.Shiva is in clockwise motion and forms the upper portion of the lingam.
In the perfect form of the house due to the ascending helical waves of energy there lies the possibility of unification of Jeeva and Shiva by positive confluence of their motions-spe
Re: Vaastu Designs
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8) It is the cosmic secret that makes all these subjects more mystical that "weather subtle creat the matter or right formation of matter evolves into subtle energy.But Sthapatya -Veda by its sacred form has given a simple easy short cut to embodying the subtle and gross together.According to Agasti Rishi " The body of Supreme Being has power to get excited and get expressed in all the three forms;which is similar to the Brahma-Zone in the Vaastu or similar to the stem-cells in the body that can regenerate the whole existence.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 10:08 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 7) As per Jain Philosophy the present time wave form is erratic-reverse-differential in speed and it can be corrected to some extent by correct form;as form has power to creat the right relation of energy and matter ie subtle and gross.In the philosophical language form can be described as morphoamorphic entity that cont
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7) As per Jain Philosophy the present time wave form is erratic-reverse-differential in speed and it can be corrected to some extent by correct form;as form has power to creat the right relation of energy and matter ie subtle and gross.In the philosophical language form can be described as morphoamorphic entity that contains the subtle and gross both.So form is the bridge that can transcend the subtle to gross and vice-versa.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 9:31 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 6) When brahmbindu is dislodged from its sacred position ;vibrations of energy-matter,subtle-gross,Shiva-Shakti do not creat a positive confluence;leading to differential speeds of Time and Manifestation ie events.Such disturbed relation of Time and the cycles of events creat longings and imbalance in the four pillars of consciousness leading to desires-anger-Violence.
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>> On 12-Nov-2016
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6) When brahmbindu is dislodged from its sacred position ;vibrations of energy-matter,subtle-gross,Shiva-Shakti do not creat a positive confluence;leading to differential speeds of Time and Manifestation ie events.Such disturbed relation of Time and the cycles of events creat longings and imbalance in the four pillars of consciousness leading to desires-anger-Violence.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 9:22 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 5)Sacred geometry means the perfect-symmetric position of the Brahm-Bindu .Brahm-Bindu is Primal manifest form of the unmanifest.In the formations with sacred geometry right relation of Brahmbindu and Mayakar-form of Maya;an effortless transformation of invisible matter to visible matter happens.This is the secret of form-future-fortune sequence.
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>> On 13-Nov-2016, at 9:09 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
Re: Vaastu Design
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5)Sacred geometry means the perfect-symmetric position of the Brahm-Bindu .Brahm-Bindu is Primal manifest form of the unmanifest.In the formations with sacred geometry right relation of Brahmbindu and Mayakar-form of Maya;an effortless transformation of invisible matter to visible matter happens.This is the secret of form-future-fortune sequence.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 9:09 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> 4) When the structures are based on the measurements of the Angula-Thala-Muzham with formulae of Ayadi Calculations then gross substance-Matter-Vaastu forms a positive relation to the subtle substance-Energy-Vastu.This positive relation of Vastu-Vaastu ie energy-matter ie Jeeva-Shiva leads to Tathastu;as quoted by Sri Sri Ravishankar as Vastu-Vaastu-Tathastu sequence.
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>> On 13-Nov-2016, at 8:49 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
Re: Vaastu Design
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4) When the structures are based on the measurements of the Angula-Thala-Muzham with formulae of Ayadi Calculations then gross substance-Matter-Vaastu forms a positive relation to the subtle substance-Energy-Vastu.This positive relation of Vastu-Vaastu ie energy-matter ie Jeeva-Shiva leads to Tathastu;as quoted by Sri Sri Ravishankar as Vastu-Vaastu-Tathastu sequence.
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> On 13-Nov-2016, at 8:49 AM, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe < > wrote:
> Vaastu designs:
> 1) A perfect relation of your house and your Star is the purpose of Ayadhi-Gananam ,which leads to harmonious relation to the energy and gives excitation of right element in the consciousness.It creates positive resonance of wave forms and personal frequency.
> 2) Each person is connected to specific Star by janm nakshatra concept;means his correlation with divine existence is defined by a specific wavelength;which is the short cut for his ascension.So when his star
Vaastu Design
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Vaastu designs:
1) A perfect relation of your house and your Star is the purpose of Ayadhi-Gananam ,which leads to harmonious relation to the energy and gives excitation of right element in the consciousness.It creates positive resonance of wave forms and personal frequency.
2) Each person is connected to specific Star by janm nakshatra concept;means his correlation with divine existence is defined by a specific wavelength;which is the short cut for his ascension.So when his star is matched with the Ayadhi calculation to his house ;his evolvement happens due to the kosha of positive energy that he needs.
3)Form is connected to future due to the relation of subtle matter and gross matter ie Vastu-Vaastu relation.The primal energy particle termed as Adi is the link between the form and the future .Vaastushastra has formulated the system of measurement based on Angula which is related to the measure of primary atomic particle,the stated by Dr V Ganapati Sthapati.But still at su
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दक्षिण प्रभागमें लोहधातूके चतुष्कोणाकृती हेलिक्स् जमीनके नीचे प्रस्थापित करनेसे पृथ्वीतत्वका प्रबल अविष्कार और स्पंदनोंके कारण ऋण ऊर्जाओंका क्षय होता है। तथा दशम स्थानसे जुडे बिझिनेस्-उद्योग में इच्छापूर्तीका अनुभव होता है।वास्तु पुरुष मंडल के यमदेवता का बल घटने के कारण अपमृत्युका भय कम होता है तथा अपघात की संभावना कम होती है।चतुष्कोणाकृती आकार के कारण वातावरणमें पृथ्वीतत्वके स्पंदन निर्माण होते हैं;जिनमें हर प्रकारके विषम स्पंदनोंका विसर्जन होता है तथा हर दुसरे तत्वका स्पंदन भी नियमित हो जाता है।संतुलित उर्जा क्षेत्रकी प्राप्ती ये हेलिकल फाॅर्म के कारण होती है।हेलिकल फाॅर्म के कारण सभोवतालकी उर्जा और स्पंदनोंको भी यह दिव्य स्वभाव प्राप्त हो जाता है।लोहतत्वका संबंध शनीग्रहसे जुडा है और दक्षिण प्रभाग शनीका स्वगृह मकर राशीसे ध्वनित होता है;इसलिये लोहतत्वके कारण दक्षिण दिशाकी अंगदेवता विवस्वान प्रबल हो जाती है ।विवस्वान देवता पितृलोककी प्रधान देवता होनेके कारण जहाॅं विवस्वान प्रबल होता है वहाॅंपर पिशाच्च-भूत-किन्नर-गंधर्व जैसी हीनयोनियोंका प्रभाव नष्ट हो जाता है।इसलिये हेलिक्स् एक असाधारण
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1) Place square iron helix to south to stabilize earth element and to absorb all negativities;so your opportunities in business and jobs are enhanced.It will protect you from premature death and accidents by reducing the power of deity Yama of vaastu Purush Mandala.Being square it creates the cosmic waves of earth element;which have immense power to stabilize any type of asymmetric energy forms and to accommodate the erratic vibrations of any other element.So regulating the cosmic field of energy is it's prime function.Due to helical form it transforms the surrounding energy in to helical small loops of positive energy that grasp the irregularities in the continuum of soil of that zone.Since iron is connected to the planet Saturn and south being the own house of Saturn by sign Capricorn;it enhances the power of Angdevta (seed deity) Vivasvan ;leading to absorption of currents of Unsatisfied souls and spirits in the surrounding.Hence this simple tool creat the sequence of element e
Advice and consulting
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Friends 1) Astro-Advice:Send your horoscope and get a detail analysis of five great elements to remove the negative vibrations by chants-Vaastu-rituals-stones-herbs. 2) Vaastu Advice: Send your home and office plans and do the Vaastu corrections to attain the divine environment that nurtures the peace-prosperity-progress. Sent from my iPhone 3)Business Advice:Sequence of planets-elements-deities-directions-energy gives effortless success and a dynamic push.Know simple tricks of ancient wisdom to creat a rhythm in your daily routine to attain the synchronous behavior that removes friction-impedance-resistance. 4)Know your bio-cycles,personal rhythms and your secret mantras to enhance your energy.Cycles of hormones is the key to know your peaks and downfalls ;which are dependent on your four pillars of consciousness and the surrounding.So improve the relation of your inner being and the outer cosmos to attain the harmony and frequency. 5) Success is yours if your psyche is tuned to your