
Showing posts from March, 2018

वास्तू कथा

🌺सहस्र महावास्तू🌺 वास्तुकथा:१ उस भवन मैं गए थे। 40 साल की बीवी और 46 साल का मियाँ बड़े दुख मैं थे। जीवन के प्रति निराश थे। पुरखोसे आए करोडों की मालमत्ता और ये मालमत्ता और फॅक्टरी चलाने वाला आगे कोई कोही नहीं। भवन मैं अग्नेय मैं कुवा, अग्नेय मैं बड़ा प्रांगण और उत्तर मैं शौचालय ऐसे स्तिथि थीं। जिसका निर्बल अग्नि और प्रदूषित जल कहते हैं। भवन मैं सुधार किया और 1 साल बाद आंगन मैं "गोपाल" आया। वास्तु गुणोत्कर्ष कल बताएंगे.......। ।।🌺सहस्र महा वास्तु🌺।। 🌈डॉ सहस्रबुध्दे ९८२२०११०५०🌺1 🌺सहस्रमहावास्तू🌺 वास्तुकथा:१ जब कोई व्यक्ति प्रदूषित भवनमें सालोसाल रहता है,तब उस अशुभ उर्जाका प्रभाव व्यक्तिके अंत:करण चतुष्टयमें विकार-रोग-क्षति पहुँचाता है।तब इस प्रभाव को घटानेकेलिये योग-वास्तू-ज्योतिष-आयुर्वेद-मंत्रशास्त्रके संयुक्त उपचार पध्दतीका अवलंब करना चाहिये।इस प्रकारसे संयुक्त उपचार पध्दतिका अवलंब करनेसे वैश्विक अलौकिक उर्जा का संस्कार जीवनमें परिवर्तन लाता है और फिर वास्तुमें किये गुणोत्कर्षका परिणाम शीघ्र गतीसे प्रारंभ हो जाता है।संयुक्त दृष्टिकोण यही सहस्रमहावास्तु

Vaastu Story

🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu-Story:1 Visited that lavish rich house but the owner and his wife were looking sad and somber,more towards frustrated state of mind was evening with more dark shadows than pleasant half lights ... she was 40 and he was 46 with huge income and ancestral property...but no child...In that bunglow there was deep well to southeast...big open courtyard to southeast ...and toilet to north ..this situation is called as week fire and polluted water element.We reinforced the Vaastu by Corrections....and after one year that house was fully illuminated with celebration due to the new guest in the house ...for Corrections wait for tomorrow's... 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌈 🌸9822011050🌸1 🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu-Story :1 When for years somebody stays in the polluted home with many faults ;it creat the marks of subtle disease due to absorption of the negative energy,in the four pillars of consciousness.This absorption is so s

🌺सहस्रमहावास्तू🌺 वास्तुकथा१: जब भवनमें और जन्मपत्री दोनों जगह पर निर्बल-अग्नीकी बाधा दिखायी देती है तथा ऐसे भवनमें जातक अनेक बरस रहता है;तब उसके जहनमें इस निर्बल अग्नीका दोष और ज़हर फैलता जाता है।ऐसी स्थितीमें इस जातकने दीर्घ समय के लिये आयुर्वेदिक और यौगिक उपचार लेनेसे दोष और जहरका परिहार हो सकता है।इस प्रकारसे अंत:करण चतुष्टय की संशुध्दी करनेके पश्चात् ही वास्तुमें किये गुणोत्कर्ष का पूरा पूरा लाभ हो सकता है।कपालभाती-भस्रिकाप्राणायामसे मन-चित्त-बुध्दी-अहंकारमें अग्नीका समुचित स्वरूप उदित हो जाता है।यह अग्नीका सूक्ष्म स्पंदन संशुध्दीके साथ चेतना प्रदान करता है।श्वासकी गती के साथ “ह्रीम् “मंत्रबीजके जापसे श्वासोंमें प्राणशक्तीका संचार हो जाता है और जिसके ज़रिए नाभीस्थानके सूर्य तत्वका जागरण हो जाता है।समंत्र सूर्यनमस्कार प्रतिदिन आचरित करनेसे शरीरमें ग्रंथियोंमें रसवृध्दीका अनुभव होता है।आयुर्वेदिक नाभीचिकित्सा करनेसे अग्नीतत्वके स्पंदनोंमें लाभदायक वृध्दी हो जाती है। 🌈डॉ नरेंद्र सहस्रबुध्दे 9822011050🌺5


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu Story 1: When the weak fire element is observed in home-Vaastu -horoscope and for a long time somebody has stayed in such house then to remove the deep inclusion and infection of this poison in the deeper levels of consciousness,one needs a prolong yougik and Ayurvedic treatment to regain the original -natural biorhythm.One should do the kapalbhati-bhasrika pranayama regularly to ignite the fire element in the body-Mind-intellect.Apart from re igniting fire ;a purification of the fire element happens by these yogik kriyas.Chanting Of RHIM-Mantrbeej in a meditative System and with the sounding resounding with breath leads to purification of the Ravi-Tatva in the solar plexus.Regular exercise of surya-namaskar makes the synchronous relationship of enzymes-glands-personality.In some cases Naabhi-Chikitsa gives magical results in giving Corrections in the fire element. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌸9822011050🌸5


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 🍁Existence 🍁 This world is made up of three levels viz gross level-which is directly experienced by karmedriyas and dnyanendriyas .,Subtle Level-which can be experienced by the alert mind like a play of light and shadow with ambiguity ..subtle-most level -which lies beyond all the doors and orbits of human powers;so it is not isolated but totally merged-mixed with all levels...can be understood by comprehensive thought or perception or in meditation.At this subtle most level there lies the way play of pure consciousness which lies beyond all the judgements.At subtle level ;it is the play of spaces and voids -which is intermingling energies of desires-thoughts-expectations.Here it may creat the clash of deities-angles-spirits and your own existence;in a way it is the clash of various consciousnesses ;some represent voids and some represent spaces.In Vaastushastra our attempt is to creat the spaces and to delete the voids ,so that automatically at the ether level ,a total cleansing by removal of spirits-desires-thoughts happen and only bliss remains.This is the purpose of divine Vaastushastra. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌺9822011050🌺


🌺सहस्रमहावास्तू🌺 वास्तूकथा:१ भवनमें निर्बल अग्नी याने पूर्व और आग्नेय प्रभागमें जलतत्व का होना ;इसका प्रतिबिंब जन्मपत्रीमें १/५/९ राशीयोंके स्वामी निर्बल पाये जाते हैं।कई दफ़ा जनमपत्रीमें १/५/९ राशीयोंमें राहू या शनी होता है;मगर इसका विवेचन भवनशास्त्रमें प्रदूषित अग्नी हो जाता है।भवनशास्त्रमें प्रदूषित अग्निका प्रमाण पूर्व और आग्नेय प्रभागमें शौचालय या सेप्टीक टँक के द्वारा ध्वनित होता है।जबभी भवनमें और जनमपत्रीमें दोनों जगहपर इसप्रकारसे निर्बल अग्नीका प्रमाण पाया जाता है तब उस भवनस्वामीके जीवनमें अग्नीसे जुड़ी अनेक विपरीत घटनाएँ घटनेकी संभावना रहती है।विशेषत: जब गोचरमें शनी और राहूका १/५/९ राशीयोंमें चलन रहता है तब विपरीत घटना घट सकती है।इस प्रकारसे ज्योतिष तथा वास्तुका तत्वोके माध्यमद्वारा संयुक्त विचार करनेसे घटना की तीव्रता और समय का ग्यान ठीकसे हो जाता है-यही वास्तु ज्योतिष विषय की विशेषता है। डॉ नरेंद्र सहस्रबुध्दे 9822011050🌺4


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu Story 1: Weak fire due to water element in the east and southeast zone is reflected in the Astro charts by weak lords of 1/5/9 signs.Many times it is reflected by placement of Saturn and Rahu in these fire signs .But mainly the affliction of Saturn and Rahu in 1/5/9 fire signs reflect the polluted fire element and by toilets-septic tanks in east and southeast zones .So whenever there lies weak fire element in the horoscope and the Vaastu-house simultaneously then the occupants of the house go through a severe negative events in the life .Particularly when Saturn and Rahu transit happens through 1/5/9 fire signs ,the negative event is experienced by the occupants.That is how one can observe the unification of Astro and Vaastu through the classification of the elements . 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌸9822011050🌸4


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 🌈Vaastu Story 1: Form-Corrections: Unless the form is transformed to tune to the cosmic energy, it can not change the future in to fortune .A correct form has divinity and the remedies made are man-made;so one should focus to attain a perfect form ;rather pushing the client for various remedies.If it is possible to shift the toilets to south and west zone then that is called as form correction and if the adjustment in vibrations is done by use of metal-stone-crystals then it is said as the remedy.If the form correction is not possible then and then only one should try various remedies. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


🌺सहस्रमहावास्तू🌺 🌈वास्तूकथा-१ आकार-प्रकार: आकार-स्वभाव-गुण-काल ये हर अस्तित्वके चार प्रमुख आयाम हैं।जहॉं आकार नैसर्गिक है वहॉं प्राकृतिक स्वभाव हो जाता है और वहींपर दैवी प्रगुण निर्माण हो जाता है।जब आकार-स्वभाव-गुण का संगम हो जाता है वहॉंपर काल का आधारमय शेष स्वरूप प्रकट हो जाता है।अन्यथा यही काल विषमय सर्प का रूप धारण करता है।इतना असाधारण महत्व आकारप्रकार को है। आकारप्रकार नैसर्गिक दैवी है तथा उपायशास्त्र मानवीय बुध्दीका मर्यादित आविष्कार है।इसलिये भवन को योगमय आकार के साचेमें ढालना ,यह प्रथम कर्तव्य है तथा उपायशास्त्र को दूसरा दर्जा है।आग्नेय-दक्षिण-नैरुत्य-पश्चिम प्रभागमें शौचालय को बदल देना ,यह दैवी आकारप्रकार है;और धातु-रत्न-स्फटिक जैसे माध्यमोंसे स्पंदनोंका निर्माण करना -इसको उपायशास्त्र कहते हैं। 🌈डॉ सहस्त्रबुद्धे 🌸९८२२०११०५०🌸


🌺सहस्रमहावास्तू🌺 वास्तुकथा:१ जब कोई व्यक्ति प्रदूषित भवनमें सालोसाल रहता है,तब उस अशुभ उर्जाका प्रभाव व्यक्तिके अंत:करण चतुष्टयमें विकार-रोग-क्षति पहुँचाता है।तब इस प्रभाव को घटानेकेलिये योग-वास्तू-ज्योतिष-आयुर्वेद-मंत्रशास्त्रके संयुक्त उपचार पध्दतीका अवलंब करना चाहिये।इस प्रकारसे संयुक्त उपचार पध्दतिका अवलंब करनेसे वैश्विक अलौकिक उर्जा का संस्कार जीवनमें परिवर्तन लाता है और फिर वास्तुमें किये गुणोत्कर्षका परिणाम शीघ्र गतीसे प्रारंभ हो जाता है।संयुक्त दृष्टिकोण यही सहस्रमहावास्तु पध्दतीका एक अनोखा विशेष है। 🌈डॉ सहस्रबुध्दे 💐९८२२०११०५०💐


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu-Story :1 When for years somebody stays in the polluted home with many faults ;it creat the marks of subtle disease due to absorption of the negative energy,in the four pillars of consciousness.This absorption is so subtle that to erase its effects one needs to follow the integrated system of life ,which includes the tenets of Astro -Vaastu-Yoga-Mantra-Ayurveda .When such divine order enters in the consciousness,then the positive energy created by some changes in the vaastu; starts giving the benefits.Such integrated approach in remedies is the secret of “SahasraMahavaastu”System. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 💐9822011050💐


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Vaastu-Story :1 When for years somebody stays in the polluted home with many faults ;it creat the marks of subtle disease due to absorption of the negative energy,in the four pillars of consciousness.This absorption is so subtle that to erase its effects one needs to follow the integrated system of life ,which includes the tenets of Astro -Vaastu-Yoga-Mantra-Ayurveda .When such divine order enters in the consciousness,then the positive energy created by some changes in the vaastu; starts giving the benefits.Such integrated approach in remedies is the secret of “SahasraMahavaastu”System. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 💐9822011050💐


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Visited that lavish rich house but the owner and his wife were looking sad and somber,more towards frustrated state of mind was evening with more dark shadows than pleasant half lights ... she was 40 and he was 46 with huge income and ancestral property...but no child...In that bunglow there was deep well to southeast...big open courtyard to southeast ...and toilet to north ..this situation is called as week fire and polluted water element.We reinforced the Vaastu by Corrections....and after one year that house was fully illuminated with celebration due to the new guest in the house ...for Corrections wait for tomorrow’s... 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌈 🌸9822011050🌸


🌺सहस्र महावास्तू🌺 उस भवन मैं गए थे। 40 साल की बीवी और 46 साल का मियाँ बड़े दुख मैं थे। जीवन के प्रति निराश थे। पुरखोसे आए करोडों की मालमत्ता और ये मालमत्ता और फॅक्टरी चलाने वाला आगे कोई कोही नहीं। भवन मैं अग्नेय मैं कुवा, अग्नेय मैं बड़ा प्रांगण और उत्तर मैं शौचालय ऐसे स्तिथि थीं। जिसका निर्बल अग्नि और प्रदूषित जल कहते हैं। भवन मैं सुधार किया और 1 साल बाद आंगन मैं "गोपाल" आया। वास्तु गुणोत्कर्ष कल बताएंगे.......। ।।🌺सहस्र महा वास्तु🌺।। 🌈डॉ सहस्रबुध्दे ९८२२०११०५०


🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺चतुर्थी के दिन गणेशजी का पूजन करते हैं क्यूकी चतुर्थी रिक्ता तिथी है ,इसलिये वह हर संकल्पसे मुक्त करती है ;तथा निर्विकल्प स्थिती का अनुभव कराती है। इसलिये पृथ्वीतत्वकी प्रमुख देवता जो मूलाधारपर स्थित है उसका स्मरण करनेसे ऐहिक सांसारिक पृथ्वीतत्व के बंधनोंसे मुक्ती प्राप्त होती है।रिक्ती प्राप्त होती है।और गणेशजीके अष्टसिद्द स्वरूप से पूर्ती भी मिलती है...यह गणेश स्मरण का महत्व है।।🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺


With Master :Discussion on Dnyan-Mandir Ahmadnagar


Re: Vaastu

03/03/18, 11:33:46 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺Prosperity🙏 :It is the utmost important dimension of each persons life.Everybody is thirsty of the abundance and prosperity,so even these modern saints too follow my vaastu tips. As the whole Vaastushastra being holistic and dependent on the matrix of deities ,grace and peace are assured to those who follow the tenets of this divine ancient science,founded by 18 Maharishis.This Science connects you to the Aspirations-Directions-Energy Flux ,by realigning your consciousness through the balancing and proper positioning of five great elements.A divine bridge formed by sequence and realignment of Grah-Tatva-Devta-Disha-Urjaa ,which is the panchayatan Of Vaastu ; transcend your whole existence in to peace-prosperity-progress. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌈 9822011050 04/03/18, 9:17:52 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Prosperity:The abundance is a comprehensive term but prosperity is more connected to the mate


03/03/18, 11:33:46 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺Prosperity🙏 :It is the utmost important dimension of each persons life.Everybody is thirsty of the abundance and prosperity,so even these modern saints too follow my vaastu tips. As the whole Vaastushastra being holistic and dependent on the matrix of deities ,grace and peace are assured to those who follow the tenets of this divine ancient science,founded by 18 Maharishis.This Science connects you to the Aspirations-Directions-Energy Flux ,by realigning your consciousness through the balancing and proper positioning of five great elements.A divine bridge formed by sequence and realignment of Grah-Tatva-Devta-Disha-Urjaa ,which is the panchayatan Of Vaastu ; transcend your whole existence in to peace-prosperity-progress. 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌈 9822011050 04/03/18, 9:17:52 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Prosperity:The abundance is a comprehensive term but prosperity is more connected to the

Re: Vaastu

🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Dhanya-Laxmi : This form of Laxmi is assigned to the southeast zone .The food which contains the highest potential of Prana means" grains-dhanya " Hence the dhanyalaxmi is categorised to the southeast Zone .This zone has deities named as "Savita and Savitr "in the core of the southeast zone which is connected to the Brahmsthanam.For germination of the grains Water and sun are the most important factors which are available in this zone .The Sun before sunrise is called "Savitr",Hence it has divine influence and vivifying power of the Sun.The seeds of the Prana before Prana gets expressed in its gross form are absorbed in the grains in this zone ,so this zone is assigned to the Dhanya-Laxmi.Savitr deity is assigned for the duty as to creat-produce and protect .Hence any fault in the southeast zone reduces the possibility of reproduction .Severe faults of this zone removes the cosmic protection leading to beginnings of violence .As it

Re: Vaastu

🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Eishvarya-Laxmi: The word Eishvarya contains the word Isha ie God .So attributes of all qualities of god means Eishvarya Laxmi and not just money matters.Since east is connected to the divine fire element ie Jyoti-Flame ,which diminishes the darkness and shadows of all types it's reference is to the Isha .As the deity Isha Of Northeast is related to east in a clockwise -Pradakshinamarge-Poorn Bahu way ,the grace and bliss of god Of Northeast emerges in the East ;as the positive energy streams only in a forward clockwise way. The matrix of deities of east zone contains Indra-Which represents the success and sensuous pleasures along with the hierarchy in gods;Ravi-which represents the emergence of light and removal of darkness along with the continuity in the family ;Satya-which represents the true understanding of the self and the surrounding;Aryama is connected to the rashi Mesh (Aries)And to the Nakshatra Of Ravi-Krithika And is the Ang Devta Of East Zone

Re: Vaastu

🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Eishvarya-Laxmi: The word Eishvarya contains the word Isha ie God .So attributes of all qualities of god means Eishvarya Laxmi and not just money matters.Since east is connected to the divine fire element ie Jyoti-Flame ,which diminishes the darkness and shadows of all types it's reference is to the Isha .As the deity Isha Of Northeast is related to east in a clockwise -Pradakshinamarge-Poorn Bahu way ,the grace and bliss of god Of Northeast emerges in the East ;as the positive energy streams only in a forward clockwise way. The matrix of deities of east zone contains Indra-Which represents the success and sensuous pleasures along with the hierarchy in gods;Ravi-which represents the emergence of light and removal of darkness along with the continuity in the family ;Satya-which represents the true understanding of the self and the surrounding;Aryama is connected to the rashi Mesh (Aries)And to the Nakshatra Of Ravi-Krithika And is the Ang Devta Of East Zone


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Prosperity: It has eight fold dimensions so in the ancient scriptures the reference of "Asht-Laxmi " is given.In the Vaastushastra this reference is related to the reinforcing of the eight directions and specific deity of each direction.When energy streams in the helical ascending And mandalacar way ,the eight directions get Prana and blessings of these specific deities creat the period of abundance.The concept of Aay-Vyay in the Ayadi -Vaastu is related to this abundance and prosperity in the different way . Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone


🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Dhanya-Laxmi : This form of Laxmi is assigned to the southeast zone .The food which contains the highest potential of Prana means" grains-dhanya " Hence the dhanyalaxmi is categorised to the southeast Zone .This zone has deities named as "Savita and Savitr "in the core of the southeast zone which is connected to the Brahmsthanam.For germination of the grains Water and sun are the most important factors which are available in this zone .The Sun before sunrise is called "Savitr",Hence it has divine influence and vivifying power of the Sun.The seeds of the Prana before Prana gets expressed in its gross form are absorbed in the grains in this zone ,so this zone is assigned to the Dhanya-Laxmi.Savitr deity is assigned for the duty as to creat-produce and protect .Hence any fault in the southeast zone reduces the possibility of reproduction .Severe faults of this zone removes the cosmic protection leading to beginnings of violence .As it

🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺My contribution to Divine subject of Vaastu Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Presenting SahasraMahavaastu Book To Ma Svamini



🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 Prosperity:The abundance is a comprehensive term but prosperity is more connected to the material world.The whole Vaastushastra looks like expression of the earth element ie its connectivity to the material world,but it encompasses the space or gets victimised to the voids as per the form that is built.So one shall understand that it is the divine Shastra that enables oneself to ascend his consciousness through the vibrations of ether-energy-light ,which dwells in the spaces .So creation of the form which is the right combination of earth and ether is the purpose of this divine ancient Vaastu Shastra . 🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 🌈 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone