Industrial vasstu
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
21. In the same software company when the cabins were checked ; two cabins were planned of pentagon shape. The pentagon is comprised of three triangles which have different shapes and signify acute triangles . In yogashastra and in the Tantra philosophy ; Triangle indicates the fire element and three triangles with asymmetric arrangement signifies intense fire element.
In vaastushastra the intense fire element is considered as the Maha dosha -severe fault that penalise the person by hunger-thirst-pain-sorrow-torture. Where thirst is not just physical thirst of water but as the fire element represents ego in the four pillars of consciousness; this thirst means excessive demonic ambition . Hunger is not just the need of food but it's the intense expression of the monstrous desire.
Due to intense fire element the water element forms the steam and gives strokes and shocks in the life. Again when water enter