Cosmic Energy

Cosmic energy follows the law of hydraulic energy;so gets retaliated nicely by mirror i e re reflected by Pranik energy.Since Prana represent a powerful yang streaming so it has a profound positive power if mirrors are placed on north and east wall.
Hence straightline arrows of south due to C-Geometry get away by its formation as the positive energy as gets reflected from north to south..this creat a positive tendency to the internal energetics too.

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> On 28-Aug-2015, at 7:53 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> Relation of SE with E is anti clockwise (Heenbahu),so any fault in SE ;if not treated will disturb the Bhumi of east zone means disturb the east matrix of deities in future.This is called as dynamic aspect of energetics of Vaastu.Its symptoms will start with shift of deities-symbols-elements in the anti clockwise direction.Whenever anywhere energy emerge it does remain stagnant,as it's very nature is movement.If it's a positive then will strengthen the forward elements and deities.But if it is negative then it will weaken the past elements and deities.This is called as reversal of time due to reverse travel of energy.Thats how the relationship of time-direction-energy exhibit its effect and
> Pattern.So in the dynamics of Vaastu one should give attention to the sequences of various entities.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 29-Aug-2015, at 7:10 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> 28/08/15 11:46:29 pm: NHS: Whenever there is basement to SE, due to Nirbal-Agni it leads to Diabetes.
>> 28/08/15 11:49:56 pm: NHS: Since fire is represented by 1/5/9signs it reduces the quality of all Harmones,reduces the Prana,and the expansion oriented quality of jupiter gets shrunk respectively to owners of 1/5/9 i e Mars/Suns/Jupiter.
>> 28/08/15 11:51:46 pm: NHS: Since 1/5/9 signs contain the stars of Ketu/Venus/Sun again due to loss of fire of ketu and due to loss of quality of Venus it leads to diabetes.
>> 28/08/15 11:53:09 pm: NHS: Since Sun is lord of fifth house in natural horoscope,it may lead to loss of son or childless-situation.
>> 28/08/15 11:54:57 pm: NHS: Since fire is weak,courage and right decision are not possible in life,so a confused state of mind leads to poor financial condition.
>> 28/08/15 11:56:54 pm: NHS: Many times such cowards are opportunist so they always roam around politicians and gains happen on their praise and flattering.
>> Sent from my iPhone

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