Grah Tatva Devta Disha

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
20.Traditional theory of vaastu says that if Brahmsthan contains severe fault then it may reflect by any severe disease to stomach for the Gruhsvami .
If such situation happens then it's a type of conformation of effect of the Sun in the Rahu star .In such situations there lies a possibility of some severe fault in west zone .This west fault may be severe that protrudes the Brahmsthan and creates such situations.
Many times this condition of Sun in Rahu star activate the Rahu vibrations,which start streaming from west or southwest zones ,as this is the zone of Rahu .So just Sun in acquarious has many shades of meaning and may can reflect in the Vaastu with multiple faults .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
21.If your birthday is in month of April then in your natal chart Sun lies in Pisces or Aries sign.Sun in Pisces is already discussed in last few articles .
Sun in Aries is it's exhalted condition .As basically in astrology Sun is considered as the malific planet,its exhalted condition may not give good effect.Vaastushastra point of view this exhalted sun leads to intense fire element in the east and southeast zone.Intense fire leads to hyper excitation of the ego that may lead to the violence.If this force is not controlled then it may lead to disturbance in the rhythm of the Brahmsthan.Astrologically sign Aries is connected to the head.Head zone is represented by the northeast zone due to the head of vaastu Purusha in the northeast zone of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
22.In natal chart the position of this Sun in Aries decides the zone in the house ;which has severe faults .For example if such a combination lies in the 8 or 9 house then it indicates loss of earth element and stroke from southwest zone .Such stroke may lead to dangerous accident to the owner of the house .Sun represents light-ether-energy.Where there is ether there is no earth element.Where there is light ,there happens the loss of the earth element.So position of such Sun in 6-7-8-9-10-11-12 the houses will intensify the Pingala streams in the house .Since these streams are hard and cruel ;they are responsible for the negative events in the life.As said in the traditional Vaastu Shastra position of the sun in that zone will accelerate the vibrations of that zone and accordingly they will creat the negativity in the life .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
23.Intensity of the Sun is more in the day times when Sun lies in the southeast-south-southwest-west zones.In the horoscope it is identified by position of the Sun in the 12-11-10-9-8-7 th houses .This is the zone of the Surya-Pingala -Nadi which is termed as the cruel and hard in nature in the theory of the yogshastra.Hyper excitation of this negative cosmic breath leads to death-destruction-demolition-discontinuity-defamation.If position of the Sun lies in the 11-12 th houses of the natal chart then it excites the southeast zone in the house ,which leads to violence.If it is in 10 th house of the chart then it excites the deity Yama ;which leads to death penalty to the house owner.If it is in the 8th or 9 th house then it creates the loss of the earth element of the southwest zone.Such weak earth element may creat the situation similar to the suicidal tendencies to the house owner.If it is in the 7 th house then it shows aggressive force from west zone which plays disagreement in the every walk of the life .Such condition normally leads to the disturbance in the married life.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
24.If Sun lies in the 5-6 th house of the chart means this position of the Sun may give excitation to the northwest zone .Hyper vibrations of the northwest zone excite the deities Rog and Naag of the northwest matrix of the deity.This gives troublesome situations to the daughters in the house .Many times extended northwest zones lead to thefts in the house .If kitchen is not in the southeast zone then this situation leads to torque of the fire and wind .If faults lie in two opposite directions then the negative forces encroach the Brahmsthan,and then this becomes the severe fault in the vaastu .When the entire axis of the fire and the wind gets disturbed it leads to severe losses in the personal life.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
25.If your birthdate is in month of May then the Sun may be in signs Aries or Taurus .Effects For Sun in Aries are already discussed.If your Sun is in sign Taurus then it is in the earth element.Fire element reduces its power due to covering of the earth element.As the cycle of mitigation as said in Fengshui "Fire gets dominated by the earth".So in general this situation will increase the idleness in the person due to less of prana .All these statements are related to the subtle cell level chemistry .The person may have a good toned gym body but at cell level things differ due to this natural phenomenon.
In such cases one needs hyper excitation and direct connectivity to Indra-Ravi-Satya-Aryama divisions of the east matrix of the deities .Again as given in fengshui the chants of six sacred letters works deep as it connects the solar plexus to the Sahasrara ".
Many times treatment of Gold Soup works fantastic in such cases.In the vaastu excitation of Savita-Savitru and Rudra-Rudrajay gives long-standing good results .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
26.Sun in Taurus may reflect light from south zones which is against the natural travel of the organic streams.Hence such light decomposes the entire system of order of the deity Bhudhar .This situation If happens along with breaking of the Brahmsthan then it becomes a severe fault .But for this situation to happen it needs to have a Saturn a in conjunction or at opposite node.As we know that when the south matrix of deity becomes weak then it leads to loss of money ,diseases,death penalty to owner and removal of the positive deities.In natural horoscope it signifies the troubles due to intense fire of Sun and blocking of the water element by the earth element too.Many times this situation leads to lot of light from northeast zone ,if not intense then it gives positive result too ,if moon position is good in the natal chart .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
27.If in sign Taurus ,Sun lies in Sun star then it may give intense results for east and southeast zones.And If in moon star then it may disturb the north and northeast zones .Again If in mars star it may disturb east -southeast zones .That is how a search should be done by collaborating the Sun through star.Sometimes effect of the star may play more important role in deciding the element related to the Sun than the Sign .
In general in this month it is the summer time with Sun is scorching .So some last century astrologers have criticised the exhalted Sun and given good results for its debilitated position as in libra .While counting its reflection in the Vaastushastra;one should not ignore this fact of its real state.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
28.If your birthdate is in month of June then your Sun will be in either Taurus or in Gemini sign .We have already discussed regarding sign Taurus in last articles .Sun in Gemini will excite the vibrations of the Mercury and the wind element.Sun means fire and Sun means light too.Hyper excitation of wind element is similar situations like European and northern countries too .As Sun lies in west horizon for more than 3-4 hours it promotes the sinking streams in the surroundings.So for these countries east-west axis is more susceptible axis than the axis of organic energy.
Hyper excitation of the wind leads to spread of the sinking streams that leads to the disagreements in the every walk of the life .These vibrations have more excitation of the planet Uranus too,which leads to eccentricity in the behaviour too.Particularly break in all partnerships business leads to lot of losses.Wrong decisions-erratic behaviour-unskilled dumbness are the outcome of these vibrations leading to the loneliness-defeats-losses.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra Mahavaastu 🌺
29.Hyper excitation of wind element means large site margins to west ,roof and ground slopes to west,terraces to west,more light from west ,water bodies to west zones.West is identified with storm as the effect of the wind element,so needs be controlled.To control the storm in the ritual of Ratnadhyay it is suggested to use the blue Safire stones to Mitra division.Saturn controls-contracts-shrinks the entities.Rather constructing the forms those open out to the east and gives more excitation to the east vibrations is the better remedy in All such situations.
As west streams are responsible for the drugs-drinks-bad habits ,these streams are responsible for the corruption in the social-moral-cultural life.These streams recede the prana in the surroundings which deflect the east matrix of deities too .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

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