Fwd: Sudha Vaastu sutras

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From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Date: 20 August 2015 11:13:33 pm IST
To: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Sudha Vaastu sutras

Forth Shivsutrah
Jnanadhisthanam matruka
Matruka is called as power of sound in correlation to Alfabet..or called as a mother of universal sound..
The whole creation has its roots in Sound .As said in modern science too as the theory of Big-Bang.The whole start of the Vaastu begins with Hmm-Samm-Shamm-Shhamm and Aum with NE-SE-SW-NW and central zone respectively.This vibration of the Matruka depends on the balancing of the five great elements and formation of the double helix called as the Svastika.The Svastika gets formed when two streams show a flow character as the svatantra shakti i e Mandalakar Sangam ; Then this confluence when takes turns around the Brahma ;at that each turn it creats the Anahad i e Matruka respectively as explained .So when Matruka are established in the vaastukshetra  ,automatically the Adhishthan of deities emerge ;which is the real light -aura-Tej-Gyan.
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On 19-Aug-2015, at 10:08 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com> wrote:

19/08/15 9:52:54 am: NHS: fifth shivsutra
Udyamao Bhairavah
Can be said as the total content of Vaastu Purush Mandala..
As I a small Bhavan-Home we accommodate all types of energies -deities-five great elements-sun and moon streams and on top of it Brahma too!So collecting ,coordinating and creating such a state in a small home ;itself is reflection of the power of free will and cosmic  consciousness.That itself is the meaning of the first term "Udyamao ".So contracting the vast existence and correlating that to the totality and consuming it as and when needed; is the sole process involved in Vaastushastra.Making a laghu-srushti around you which vibrates at the frequency of the bruhad-srushti around you is the mega task of tradition and cosmic intelligence.In traditional Shiavism this task is done by the Bhairava.In Kashmiri Shaivism the Bhairava ;name is comprised of three letters.Bha means Bharan -maintenance;Ra means ravana means withdrawal and va means vamana -creation of the universe.So when we construct any house we actually follow the processes as mentioned in the name Bhairava.By limiting the Vaastu due to compound we do the bharan means we maintain its independent identity.
Then Ra means withdrawal ; that we do by removing the existing system of deities due to planting of Naabhi-Shanku and Agney stambha erection with the Sva-Sankalpa.As the earth element gets established in the Brahma due to Nabhi-Ritual ; energy starts streaming in a mandalakar way;due to which all negative spirits are thrown out of the aura of the Vaastu.When the Up-Peeth-Rachana is done a new creation of all deities -elements -energy happens by right sequence of directions-time-form.
19/08/15 9:54:36 am: NHS: Bhairava holds within Himself the entire universe by reducing all the shaktis to sameness with Himself and inasmuch as He completely devours within Himself the entire mass of ideation (which is responsible for sense of difference) - Shiva Sutras, Jaideva Singh
19/08/15 10:05:19 am: NHS: So in Vaastu Purush mandala we creat the central zone Brahma which contains all the Shaktis-Elements in a same identical form of unified field of energy ; which is continuously in a state of expansion.So it is said that anything that enters the brahma gets transformed in to the complementary element.Vastu Purush mandala is comprised of twenty Sutradevta which are twenty forms of differentiated states of energy ; which is Vamana of Bhairava.Brahma contains the entire mass of ideation which is responsible for the sense of difference of different directions and deities.Vaastu holds within itself the entire universe i e Yad Brahmande,Tad Pinde.
So one finds that this Shiv sutra if understood in the language of Vaastu , gives better insight to know even its deeper shades of meaning.
Jay ho

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