Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv -Sutra 22

26/08/15 10:14:08 pm: NHS: Vaastu-Sudha-Siv-Sutra 22
By uniting with the Great Lake ( infinite reservoir of divine power) the experience of the supreme brahma -creativity and which is the generative source of all Mantras;happens.
26/08/15 10:31:16 pm: NHS: In Vaastushastra the whole theory is based on the connectivity to the entire solar system by creating a miniature solar system in BHAVAN and in vaastukshetra by multiple rituals related to matrix of deities.On the basis of the position of the sun in the solar path ;the total matrix of deities is formed to simulate the aura of the Sun of that time and position.The whole Shareerotpatti is fabricated on the basis of the rhythm imparted to the Soil-Bhumi by auspicious time,specific zone,plantations,ratnadhyay,Up Peeth Rachana ,use of specific divisions to the entrances etc..So this reflection of the natural form in the Bhavan Shastra is the divine act of connecting the house to Supreme consciousness.This happens due to the acceptance of the order and discipline that exists in the Prakruti-Nature.
So every house based on the tenets of Vaastushastra is connected to the Great Lake i e generative source of all mantras .Hence every zone is characterized by some specific cosmic sound called as mantras .All these four basic mantras are connected to the Pranava-Aum of the central Brahma .This activation of the sound gives birth to the matrix of deities and elements.Here the process is from Shakti to Shiva.

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