Re: Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv-Sutre
Certain terms used in this Kashmiri Shaivism are very interesting to read in the original text ;specially written by Jaydevsing.
Like a definition of Sadhana as the means of accomplishing,mastering,overpowering.
Bhuta means all existents like body,prana,objects etc.
Spanda means the divine creative pulsation;the creative power inherent in Brahma.
Unmesha means unfoldment of deities i e spiritual consciousness.
Growth and nourishment happens by synthetical power,removal of foreign bodies from the energy continuum happens by power of separating the elements i e Analytical power .The power of bringing back of objects and events happens by power of bringing back the objects and events i e reversal of the kaal chakra only at the experiential level by reactive ting the Eventology in a different mould.
All these things is the propriety of our Vaastushastra;so how one can say that it is different.No it is inseparable from all the theories and purpose of Yogshastra
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> On 26-Aug-2015, at 9:50 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv-Sutra 20
> Bhut sandhana
> Bhuta pruthakatva
> Vishvasanghatta
> Meaning:
> The constitution of the world is based on the natures of the different powers which are considered as supernormal powers as their field of action is not limited but is simultaneously connected to all three states of existence.In shastra the effect is related to the three levels too viz
> Aadhideivik
> Aadhibhoutik
> Aadhyatmic
> Sandhana means power of joining and putting together elements or parts of the system.Which happens in Vaastushastra by 20 Sutradevtas.
> Bhutpruthakatva:disjointing and separating the components of the system ,which happens by centripetal force of the Mandalakar streaming of the energy.
> Sangh atta:assembling-collecting-joining-uniting;which happens by the positive confluence of the Jaivik and Pranik streams in the Vaastushastra.
> In the process of Ratnadhyay by seeding the seeds of planets i e Ratnas in the womb of Mother Earth,disjointing and separating of the existing format of the elements and deities happen as it re establish the new order.
> By the ritual of the Naabhi-Shanku ,like the two wheels entangled by one joint ;connect the rhythm of yin-yang i e dik and kaal.So this Nabhi ritual leads to unification of Dikmandal and kaal chakra together.The names of Sutradevtas are very interesting and are the primary evidence of connectivity of Vaastushastra to different theories of yogshastras.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 26-Aug-2015, at 8:49 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> 25/08/15 10:56:05 pm: NHS: Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv Sutra 19
>> Shakti Sandhane
>> Sharirotpattih
>> 25/08/15 10:58:52 pm: NHS: Meaning:
>> Unification of Shakti leads to power of creating any kind of body as per the desire means the nature of that entity.
>> 26/08/15 8:47:56 am: NHS: In continuation
>> We have already learnt the sutra that
>> Angnyadoktmataro beejam-digbandh devtastatvam..or Devtayahtuh shareeram beejat uppadyate..these two verses have the similar meaning.
>> When the supporter of the universe ( i e Shiva) is eagerly waiting to accomplish all the desires but unless the aspirant follows the cosmic shiva bylaws ;which are embodied in the five subbranches of oriental philosophy.Shakti being the moving dynamic form of Shiva ;unless you creat a sandhana means a friendship of the shakti,means unless you understand the laws and rules of the energy ;you can not creat anything as Shiva wants.The shareer is a physical phenomenal form and Shakti is a spiritual form ;when it descends it creat the three level existence viz physical phenomenal -Psychological and Spiritual together .Thats why in all Shastras we find a connectivity to all these levels. So if energy does not appear in its natural form ;it creat disability in the shareer i e form.So in Vaastushastra ;utmost importance is to the form -correction ;so that automatically the Shakti-Sandhan happens ;which creats the elements-deities-digpal in their right form i e shareerotpatti happens.
>> That's how this sutra is very important for Vaastushastra.
>> Sent from my iPhone
Like a definition of Sadhana as the means of accomplishing,mastering,overpowering.
Bhuta means all existents like body,prana,objects etc.
Spanda means the divine creative pulsation;the creative power inherent in Brahma.
Unmesha means unfoldment of deities i e spiritual consciousness.
Growth and nourishment happens by synthetical power,removal of foreign bodies from the energy continuum happens by power of separating the elements i e Analytical power .The power of bringing back of objects and events happens by power of bringing back the objects and events i e reversal of the kaal chakra only at the experiential level by reactive ting the Eventology in a different mould.
All these things is the propriety of our Vaastushastra;so how one can say that it is different.No it is inseparable from all the theories and purpose of Yogshastra
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> On 26-Aug-2015, at 9:50 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv-Sutra 20
> Bhut sandhana
> Bhuta pruthakatva
> Vishvasanghatta
> Meaning:
> The constitution of the world is based on the natures of the different powers which are considered as supernormal powers as their field of action is not limited but is simultaneously connected to all three states of existence.In shastra the effect is related to the three levels too viz
> Aadhideivik
> Aadhibhoutik
> Aadhyatmic
> Sandhana means power of joining and putting together elements or parts of the system.Which happens in Vaastushastra by 20 Sutradevtas.
> Bhutpruthakatva:disjointing and separating the components of the system ,which happens by centripetal force of the Mandalakar streaming of the energy.
> Sangh atta:assembling-collecting-joining-uniting;which happens by the positive confluence of the Jaivik and Pranik streams in the Vaastushastra.
> In the process of Ratnadhyay by seeding the seeds of planets i e Ratnas in the womb of Mother Earth,disjointing and separating of the existing format of the elements and deities happen as it re establish the new order.
> By the ritual of the Naabhi-Shanku ,like the two wheels entangled by one joint ;connect the rhythm of yin-yang i e dik and kaal.So this Nabhi ritual leads to unification of Dikmandal and kaal chakra together.The names of Sutradevtas are very interesting and are the primary evidence of connectivity of Vaastushastra to different theories of yogshastras.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 26-Aug-2015, at 8:49 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> 25/08/15 10:56:05 pm: NHS: Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv Sutra 19
>> Shakti Sandhane
>> Sharirotpattih
>> 25/08/15 10:58:52 pm: NHS: Meaning:
>> Unification of Shakti leads to power of creating any kind of body as per the desire means the nature of that entity.
>> 26/08/15 8:47:56 am: NHS: In continuation
>> We have already learnt the sutra that
>> Angnyadoktmataro beejam-digbandh devtastatvam..or Devtayahtuh shareeram beejat uppadyate..these two verses have the similar meaning.
>> When the supporter of the universe ( i e Shiva) is eagerly waiting to accomplish all the desires but unless the aspirant follows the cosmic shiva bylaws ;which are embodied in the five subbranches of oriental philosophy.Shakti being the moving dynamic form of Shiva ;unless you creat a sandhana means a friendship of the shakti,means unless you understand the laws and rules of the energy ;you can not creat anything as Shiva wants.The shareer is a physical phenomenal form and Shakti is a spiritual form ;when it descends it creat the three level existence viz physical phenomenal -Psychological and Spiritual together .Thats why in all Shastras we find a connectivity to all these levels. So if energy does not appear in its natural form ;it creat disability in the shareer i e form.So in Vaastushastra ;utmost importance is to the form -correction ;so that automatically the Shakti-Sandhan happens ;which creats the elements-deities-digpal in their right form i e shareerotpatti happens.
>> That's how this sutra is very important for Vaastushastra.
>> Sent from my iPhone