Vaastu Form Analysis

22/08/17, 11:30:19 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu:The form is connected to the nature and to its presentation as what lies in it.Many times the nature selects and make sequences according to the constitution of the people and their behaviour too.When such sequences fail then people staying there do not get satisfaction and success to their capacities .This is called as Form-Future-Fortune Triad of the Vaastu;where importance lies to the sequence of planets-elements-deities-energy and the direction.The relation of the form to the surrounding sky creat the vibrations of specific element,leading to the emergence of the virtues and vices as per the expression of the element.The geometry of the form plays important role in the excitation of the element.The force of the geometric lines decides the intensity of the expression of that element.The asymmetric protruding of such force lines creat the disturbance in the balance of the surrounding ,which in turn gets reflected in the houses and structures .

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