||Chid Vastu ||

🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
1.Camphor: It is normally white in colour ,so it represents water element.Many times in its purest form it is transparent so it is light promotive and has virtues of sky element.Hence it is used in the magic mixture to add divinity to the surroundings.If it is kept open in the air ,it gets sublimated ,means unifies with the wind and the ether.So it contains divine qualities.Normally anything gets liquified before sublimation ,so it is a special virtue of it's connectivity to the ether.It is the product from trees ,so it is organic .It cleanses the environment by attack on virus and bacteria.It has a nice smell.It is used in aayurvedik medicines as the cooling agent .It has fast relation to the fire element though it has cooling properties .Such multifold exceptional properties have given a unique place to the camphor in rituals and medicines.Camphor is waxy-flammable-transparent solid with strong aroma.It's fragrant and penetrating Odor has given medicinal properties to it .Camphor is also used as an antimicrobial substance so for purification it has great importance in religious field.In embalming, camphor oil was one of the ingredients used by ancient Egyptians for mummification.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
2.Sandalwood :It stands for exception to it's class as the wood .As wood promotes fire but applications of the sandalwood promote cooling effect in fevers .Its smell has given a divinity and hence it is used in all rituals .This wood is slow growing ,heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and, unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades.Due to its long standing aromatic virtue it is applied to the bodies of the saints before Samadhi.
It is said that Goddess Laxmi stays in the sandalwood tree.
In Buddhist traditions; Sandalwood scent is believed to transform the desires and maintain the alertness in meditation.
In jain traditions,saints bless the devotees by putting the sandalwood powder on their heads ,as the carrier of the divine message ,named as the vascape.
Astrologically sandalwood is connected to the moon .So when mixed with the turmeric powder and saffron it gives effect like the Gajkesari yoga .So everyday who puts this mixed paste on the forehead at the place of the Aadnya chakra it is said that it gives a divine support to all actions.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
3.Red Sandalwood:It is a endangered plant species.It is useful as the organic colour agent ,so in all rituals to mark the divine symbols it is used.As a matter of colour it represents the fire element so while chanting of Sour Sukta ,it is marked on the forehead .Even for yadnya-yagas ,mixed with camphor it is applied on the forehead .It is known for its medical properties as reduces the irritation and etching.It is used externally on all types of eczema.
Being basically wood it has connectivity to the east zone.Being fire by its colour ,again it is used for east zone.Due to its ascending growth ,it contains ample of organic prana ,so in weak prana in the house ,it can be used in the east zone.Its small piece is tied in arm to achieve the cosmic protection from evil eye.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe

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