Vaastu Palmistry

🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
98.If you observe the Y shaped marriage line with fork facing outside then it shows a physical separation of partners and is related to small faults in the west zones like more light from west zone-little more site margins to west than the east margin-a small balcony to west .Such physical separation remains because of jobs in different cities or some family reason.But the affection-attachment remains quite deep.If such Y is formed to marriage line with fork opening inside the palm then it is a serious problem .There lies mental dispute and psychological fights between two partners .It's reflection in the Vaastu lies by some disturbances in the north zone and multiple faults in the west zone of the house.In case if one can change the house if faults are not rectifiable then it is seen that ; with due gap of time these signs changes ;showing the end of the disputes and fights.That is the beauty of study of two different disciplines related to life predictions.In one like a palm ,one reads the possibility through the symbols and the second in which you read the event through the sequence of the elements-planets-deities in your surroundings ie Vaastu.
Some other disturbances in the heart line are also indicative of marriage life ,which gets reflected in the faults of the north zone in the house.Some signs like grille on the mount of Venus do indicate the faults in the west zone of the house .
So normally in the house if north and west zone are free of any fault and the enrichment of these zones is done by proper Vaastu remedies then these lines of relations on the palm keep changing ;which is the proof that how vaastushastra works wonders in the life .

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