Vaastu Tantra Mantra Ysntra

26. Seeding of the deity happens from ether to earth . Ether is the profound-complete-comprehensive as all elements-planets-deities emerge from the Sky .
So it is customary to worship sky in all the shastras where the ascension is the purpose to go beyond even the sky .
When the abode gets formed by the assimilation of the energy-elements then there emerges the deity automatically. According to the zone that deity takes a form and gets assigned to the duty as per the relative position in reference to the Brahmsthan.
These are the Ang Devtas around which the formation of the Aavaran devta happens as the supportive deities to the nucleus ie Ang Devta .

27. The sound is the seed of the wind element in the womb of the sky-ether . So there lies immense importance to the sound in the vaastushastra. Each form has specific sound ; so if form is sacred then there will be sound . If form is not symmetric then the sound becomes noise . Noise creates the vibrations which tune the entities like Asuras-Kinnaras-Pishachas ; which get fed on the flesh and psychic powers of the occupants.
So the diseases in humans are connected also to the form of the house ; which is the purpose of the research of eighteen ancient sages to formulate the Shastras.
Eighteen ancient sages formulated the tenets of the vaastushastra to create the perfect form of the house.

28. In aayurveda the there are three dimensions of the human body and consciousness as Vaat-Pitta-Kafa . In this the vaat can be categorised to the wind element ie in a way to the sound energy. The activity of the wind element depends on the waves of the sound .
Waves depend on the form of the house. So there lies immense importance to the cultivation of the form of the house . Even in temple architecture the forms of the temples for god and goddess are different; classifying to Yin and Yang as in the Fengshui. So the frequency for the ladies and gents differs and these frequencies are related to the directions too .

29. So if the form is not perfect then it produces the noise and that noise gets classified on the basis of the mixed disturbed frequency of the faulty direction . So this noise affects the Vaat-Chakra of the body and loss of even psychological and intellectual faculty can happen ; especially on young ladies of the house .Whenever some corrections are done to that faulty direction then it changes that noise in to the sound . Till that whatever deficiency is created by that noise in the occupant's body and consciousness needs to be corrected by co disciplines like herbs-mantras-pranayamas.

30. When this noise which has been created by the wrong form gets mixed with the triangular waveforms of the sacred fire element then it creates the truncated triangular expression of the fire element.Generally the fire element signifying yang energy is related to the male occupants. So any disturbance in the form of the waves of the fire element have direct effect on the male body and male consciousness too.
So in such house the focus should be on the male occupants and counselling is needed with them to find the path to improve the waveform of the fire element.
Search should be done in the divisions occupied by the deities related to the fire element in the Vaastu Purusha Mandala.

31. The truncated triangular expression of the waveforms is subtle like the aura of the person. When such waveform hits the aura ie consciousness of the person then it breeds the anger and anxiety.That is how the effect of the twisted forms of the houses have it's micro level effect on the occupants. When these truncated triangular waves get occupied by the voids then they act like the conjunction of the Mars and Rahu in the fire signs ; which ultimately may lead to the violence in the personality .
So the content of any form decides weather that form is creating spaces or voids . The asymmetric response given by the form to the energy-light-ether creates the voids ; which can be compared to the activity of Rahu.

32. Normally in any house if the fault lies in one direction then it's secondary effect is observed in the complementary direction . For example if the fault lies in the east direction then it's secondary effect can be seen in the sinking west zone .
If the fault lies in the east then the pranik energy forms the asymmetric wave form ; which due to the friction within that streaming ; creates the vortex that leads to voids in that continuum of the energy. This form of energy with the combination of the spaces and voids can be compared to the conjunction of the Sun and Rahu ; which is said as the Pitru dosha in the astrology.

33. The waves emanating from the Brahmsthan are mandalacar and three dimensional. These waves are powerful so can accommodate the asymmetric waveforms created by the faults in the directions if faults are not severe . For that it's important to activate the central zone by placing Ruby and Gold with chidvastus on Purna Tithi .
This Ruby and gold placed under the flooring activate the earth . This is termed as the Tai-Chi ie Tat Sat in the Sanatan Tradition.
Such activated Brahmsthan has cosmic strength to retaliate the asymmetric wave forms around it and to maintain the sacred geometry that sounds AUM .

34. When the faults happen in two complementary directions then those corrupt waves of two directions attack the brahmand lahari and may disturb it's mandalas . So when there are faults to two complementary directions then it is termed as the Mahadosha ie severe fault in Vaastu.
When these two complementary directions are related to the sub directions then the elements get involved in the play. Waveform of elements have specific geometry like fire signifies triangle; wind signifies circle; earth is square and water is crescent shaped .
So to create the waves of elements in a sacred geometry yantras play a vital role .

35.The disturbed waveform of the wind element is circular or spherical waves with speed ; so the interaction between them creates the chaos of waves which has ambiguous confusing presentation like the modern paintings . Such wave forms without the sacred geometry become the homes of many other Vikshep deities and become the cause of the failure of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala . That's why the waves of the west zone are termed as the storm .
When with speed these spherical waveforms interact with each other then they create noise with multiple frequencies. So there the transformation of the sound to light does not happen. Rather noise enters in the dimension of Thunders ; which signify the waves of the planet Harshal .

36. These erratic waveforms of west zone disturb the faculty Buddhi -intellect . Buddhi is classified with the wind element; so all waveforms of the wind element are attached to this faculty. It's formation is related to the past karmas ie the south-southwest zones.
So key to improve the west vibrations lies in the south -southwest too as the positive energy from these zones goes clockwise mandalacar and improve the virtue of the Ang devta Mitra . If there lies mount or hill to the south of the house then bring one big stone from there and keep in the west zone of the house . Then it will create the distant molecular relationship of the south zone to west direction.
Make it a point to keep this west stone on the Bhadra Tithi . If that stone is given the form of a lingam that will give good results than just a shapeless stone .

37. When fault lies in west then the prana mandala can not move fully towards the northwest and north . So these two directions go arid as far as the energy content is considered . Northwest -North contains the moon ie mind . So in classical philosophy it is said that Buddhi is the controller of the mind .If west contains severe fault then it's negativity hits to the southwest where lies the Venus and Rahu . And as the prana mandala can't go ahead ; the Ang devta of northwest and north become weak ie there lies possibility of the disturbance in the mind due to disturbed Buddhi . That is how one should learn how there lies relationship of connected directions and dependence of the elements on each other .

38. The central core of being lies in the Brahmsthan. So when the rhythm of this central core is powerful then the other dependent variables of the consciousness; automatically get synchronised to the being .
Though other variables are dependent still they have their own Brahmsthan named as the Ang devta.
Positive Strength of the Ang devta depends on it's relationship with the Brahmsthan and simultaneously on the supportive mode of the Aavaran Devtas .
It's like the nation and it's relation to the states and states to the districts . So it's necessary to know the dynamics of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala so that evaluation of the directions and deities ; deities and elements; elements and planets is possible in the analysis of any Vaastu.

Dr N H SAHASRABUDDHE 9762401234/9822011050
38. The central core of being lies in the Brahmsthan. So when the rhythm of this central core is powerful then the other dependent variables of the consciousness; automatically get synchronised to the being .
Though other variables are dependent still they have their own Brahmsthan named as the Ang devta.
Positive Strength of the Ang devta depends on it's relationship with the Brahmsthan and simultaneously on the supportive mode of the Aavaran Devtas .
It's like the nation and it's relation to the states and states to the districts . So it's necessary to know the dynamics of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala so that evaluation of the directions and deities ; deities and elements; elements and planets is possible in the analysis of any Vaastu.

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